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Friday, December 24, 2021

What Is The Objective Case? | (Definition, Examples)

Objective Case Definition And Examples

Do you know the objective case? This article will give you all the information you need in the intended field, including its definition, usage, example sentences and much more!

What Is The Objective Case?

The objective case is used for nouns and pronouns that act as objects. There are three types of objects: a direct object, an indirect object and a prepositional object.

In English, only the personal pronouns in the objective case change significantly.

Types of Object:
  • Direct Object
  • Indirect Object
  • Prepositional Object

What Is An Example of Objective Case?

The objective case can be used in English in different contexts. Trying to use a word or literary technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to remember what it is, but you can try creating flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge. Try using this word in one sentence today! Below are some examples of learning grammar and purposeful fields from grammar that can help you get started incorporating this tool into your daily use. Take a look at the examples in this objective case.
  • Pronoun: he
  • Objective case pronoun: him
  • Sentence with objective case pronoun: I bothered him.

"Him" is acting as a direct object. The pronoun “he” takes on the objective case and becomes “him”. It's bad English grammar called, "I annoyed he."
  • Pronoun: she
  • Objective case pronoun: her
  • Sentence with objective case pronoun: I annoyed her.

“Her” is acting as a direct object. The pronoun “she” takes the objective case and becomes “her.” It's bad English grammar called, “I annoyed she.”
  • Pronoun: he
  • Objective case pronoun: him
  • Sentence with objective case pronoun: Bratton, who promoted him to the rank of four-star chief in 1995 to more than 15 senior officers, and a year later, as the first deputy commissioner. –The New York Times

Like our first example, the author uses the pronoun intentional. It would be grammatically incorrect to say, "who promoted he to more than 15 senior officers ..."

More Examples of Objective Case
  • I have met Michelle.
  • We are traveling in the mountains.
  • A poet is writing a new poem.
  • Alex is writing a letter.
  • Send him immediately.
  • Jim sits with me.
  • I was seeing him yesterday.
  • I wrote Smith a letter.
  • The singer is singing a nice song.
  • Reba is reading a novel.
  • Send me the letter immediately.
  • He is coming to meet me.
  • The teacher is teaching English.
  • Michael is doing the assignment.
  • Doctor taking care of patient.
  • I am creating a design.
  • We are going to the collage.
  • A songwriter is writing a song.
  • The auditor is auditing the school.

What Are Direct Objects? 

What are direct objects? The direct object of a verb is the thing acted by the verb. In other words, the direct object is the receiver of action. The direct object is found directly by identifying the verb and asking, "what?" or "whom?".

Direct objects can be nouns or pronouns. If they are personal pronouns, then the direct object will be changed to the personal pronoun objective case.

Note: Direct objects follow only transitive verbs, not linking verbs.
  • Example:
  • She likes soup.

In the sentence above, the verb like is working on the noun soup to indicate that the soup exists in the objective case.

What Are Indirect Objects?

What are indirect objects? An indirect object is a noun that receives a direct object. The subject transmits the direct object and the indirect object takes the direct object.

To find an indirect object, ask who or what got the direct object.

Indirect objects can be nouns or pronouns. If they are personal pronouns, then the indirect object will change to the personal pronoun objective case.
  • Example:
  • Sara felt her heart beat faster.

In the example above, the direct object is the heart, which is what we think by asking? (felt=verb). Now ask the heart what? Answer: Fast beat. Thus the rapid beat is the indirect object of this sentence and exists in the objective case in this sentence.

What Is The Object of a Preposition?

In English grammar, the object of a prepositional is a noun, noun phrase or pronoun that follows a preposition and completes its meaning. The object of a preposition is in the objective case.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words formed by a preposition, its object and any modifier of the object.

In contemporary language studies the object of the preposition is sometimes described as a prepositional complement.

Examples of Object of Preposition

In the examples below, the objects of the prepositions are shaded and the prepositions are in bold.
  • in silence
  • without prejudice
  • to me, to you. (Don't forget that the object of a preposition may be a pronoun.)
  • by whom?

In Conclusion

In conclusion, some people are ignorant about this aspect of grammar. However, it is essential to know the different objective or accusative cases and how to form a perfect sentence. Different types refer to the action of a word in a sentence, it is a direct or indirect object of a subject and a possessive form.

Short A Video Summary

For a better understanding, watch this video on chapters What Is The Objective Case? Then it will help to understand the matter more easily The Objective Case.

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