
Monday, May 3, 2021

What Type of Question is Multiple Choice | With Example

What Types of Questions Is Multiple Choice With Examples?

multiple choice question

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are popularly known for answering survey questions and assisting in education exams. When collecting data for research, we think about two types of ask what kind of questions should be asked and what tools should be used to ask these questions.

Questionnaires are 1 (one) of the main tools used for data collection. Questionnaires Research instruments consisting of a set of questions to gather relevant information or data from respondents In other words, these can only be defined as a written interview.

Different types of questions are used in research and are categorized based on the type of questions they ask. In this article, we will review multiple choice question types and how they are used for research purposes. And more for information teach to the questions writing process

What are Multiple Choice Questions

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) Basic survey questions that provide respondents with multiple answer options. First, multiple choice questions may have a single choice or multiple choice answer options. These are the most basic questions of a survey or questionnaire where respondents are expected to choose one or more options from multiple answer options.

Whenever we think of conducting a survey, we think of two things: asking questions and collecting data from the answers to these kinds of questions. Basically, the most important aspect of the survey is formulating relevant questions that will help us extract clear data. 

There are different types of survey questions that the survey maker may want to ask the survey taker for the required feedback.

Parts of Multiple Choice Questions

Keep the following points in mind when designing multiple choice questions

Have a perfect idea of ​​the ideas you want to cover in the question and avoid composing questions that have misleading features.

Form questions that assess respondents at the conscious and subconscious level as some truthful questions, situational questions and/ or analysis-based questions.

Multiple choice questions have a stem, correct answers/s and distractors.
  1. A stem, that is a question, i.e. a problem or an incomplete statement-make sure you have created a crisp, grammatically correct and general stem that contains relevant information. 
  2. Correct Answer- It should be relevant to the stem and not have too many pickers like "always" and "something" sate stem as an incomplete statement when using the phrase as an alternative.
  3. Other erroneous responses are called ‘distractors’- ideally create 4 distractors and should match the correct answer. These defaulters usually have a common misconception that you may have the wrong audience.
Writing Multiple-Choice

Multiple choice items are a common way for students to understand and recall. Created and used wisely, multiple choice questions will make the assessment more powerful and more accurate.

At the end of this activity, you will be able to create multiple choice test items and identify when to use them in your evaluation.

Let’s start by thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple- choice questions. Knowing the advantages or/ and disadvantages of asking multiple choice questions will help you decide when to use them in your assessments.

For example: It's the most common type of item used in evaluation. This requires students to select a response from a short list of options. (Stem)
  • True-false (distractor)
  • Multiple choice (key)
  • Short answer (distractor)
  • Essay (distractor)
Following these tips will help you develop high quality multiple choice questions for your assessment.

Here are the 3 (three) amazing tips to writing multiple choice questions:
  1. Be sure to include the "Other" option: It is recommended to include the "Other" option when writing multiple choice questions so that respondents may have a say in expressing their opinion if they do not like the specific answer option provided by the survey creator.
  2. Provide clear answer options: It is important to have distinct clear answer options for the question being asked. If all the answers are bleeding together and there is no clarity, the respondents will be confused and will not be able to choose the most suitable answer from the options.
  3. Yes/ Refrain from asking any question: If the question is asked directly, the respondents will have very few options to answer the question, always give the answer option which gives the respondents enough choice.

Advantages of Multiple Choice Questions

1. These are less complex and less time consuming:
Imagine how a respondent cuts the pain when typing the answers when a respondent can simply answer the question with the click of a button. Multiple choices here reduce complications.

simply answer the question

More than once the survey creator wants to ask the respondent questions directly, the best practice is to provide choices instead of coming up with answers, this change saves them valuable time.

2. The responses get a specific structure and are easily analyzed:
Surveys are often designed with respondents in mind, how will they answer the question? Multiple choices here give a specific framework for responses, so become the best choice.

Let's say in your workplace you get a survey by asking about the best restaurants to host a Christmas party receive receive It will not hurt to provide specific options, but as a surveyor, you are sure that the answer will be one of the options given by the respondents.

It will be easier for the surveyor to analyze its data as it will be free from any errors (respondents will not type the answers) and the surveyor will at least know that no random restaurants will be chosen.

3. Helps respondents understand how they should answer:
One (1) of the positives of multiple choice options is that they help respondents understand how to respond. In this method, the surveyor can choose how general or specific responses are needed.

As always, it is easy for the surveyor to be careful about the choice of questions in order to be able to get feedback.

4. They look good on handheld devices:

handheld devices

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people survey on handheld devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Considering the fact that there is no ability to use a mouse or keyboard, multiple choice questions make it easier for respondents to choose as no scrolling is involved.


There are many applications in teaching multiple-choice questions, selection, scientific research, market research, etc. Until recently, it is known to be used only in educational examinations in most cases. Despite the recent controversy over the need to remove it, multiple choice questions remain very popular in Educational Exams.

Its application in marketing and customer service has helped to increase its popularity. Many brands now use interactive MCQs such as smiley ratings, star ratings, etc. get customer reviews and other relevant information. Stay tuned to this gmail for more MCQ details and if you want to write something about this article you can write it in the comment box below.

So, you can go more information Guidance for Questions Sitter. Now you can try click this link.

(FAQs) - What Types of Multiple Choice Questions With

What are multiple choice questions?

Answer: A multiple choice question is a type of closed question. and in which the participant is asked to choose one or more answers to a question from a list of pre-determined options created by the researcher. Using such questions is a common feature of quantitative research. Because they are fast, easy to read, manage and analyze.

What are the parts of a multiple-choice question?

Answer: A multiple choice question is basically made up of stem (question asked), correct answer and distractor (wrong answer).

When should I use multiple choice questions in my survey?

Answer: Multiple-choice questions are a great choice when you, to some extent, aware of the scope of your respondents' answers.

What are some of the tips for writing multiple-choice questions?

Answer: First, while writing multiple-choice questions (MCQs), it is important to provide clear, concise and distinct answer options. Second, whenever possible, remember to include an "other" option so that respondents can pinch in their own thoughts and suggestions.

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