
Thursday, March 3, 2022

How to Find Your Writing Style? | With Examples

How to Find Your Writing Style?

A writing style is a writer's personal way of communicating with words. You can think of style as your signature because each writer and person is different. A style is created with the voice, personality and mood of the story. Depending on the type of writing you are doing, who you are writing for, and your audience, your strategy may change. Read on to learn how to find your own unique, special and writing style.

What Is Writing Style?

The writing style is a lot like any other style, which helps us to express who we are. In this way the writer chooses to express himself or herself through writing. A little vague, isn't it? Well, look at the personal style for comparison. Everyone has their own fashion style, whether they mean it or not. Clothing and accessories that we like to wear every day can define personal style. If someone throws on a t-shirt and jeans with old flip flops, they are expressing a casual and cool style. On the other hand, if someone chooses button-down shirts and leather shoes, they show the world that they mean business. The same goes for writing style.

So, should you start wearing leather shoes while writing? It may be interesting, but it is not. That's not the point. Like clothes, writing can express a certain style.

What Does Writing Style Mean?

A writing style is a voice and tone that a writer uses to convey a story or express an idea. Each writer has their own personal writing style based on how they use words, create their level of formality, form their sentences, and base their overall approach in the writing industry. A good writer uses different styles of writing depending on the purpose of their writing. For example, blogging has a casual tone when business writing requires more formal language.

What Are The 4 Types of Writing Styles?

There are four (4) main types of writing: expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative. However, each of these writing styles is used for a specific purpose. A single text can contain multiple writing styles.

1. Expository writing: An expository writing style is used to convey information and facts rather than to tell a story. Examples of expository writing include non-fiction books, scientific writing, technical writing, and news articles etc.

2. Descriptive writing: A descriptive writing style uses figurative language and sensitive details to draw a picture in a reader's mind. Poets use this style of writing in their writings.

3. Narrative writing: Narrative writing style has a plot, characters and setting, it is even used in creative writing. It is a style of writing for a novel, a novel or a screenplay. Examples of narrative writing style include Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Old Man and the Sea" and Stephen King's Shining.

4. Persuasive writing: A persuasive writing style tries to impress the reader to take the writer's point of view. Examples of persuasive writing include; Includes letter of recommendation, academic writing and cover letter.

What Is A Good Writing Style?

At the style writing center, we are often asked "How to create good writing style?" Or "What makes someone a good writer?" Teachers wonder if anyone can really be taught to write and why their students don't know how to write well now. To understand what makes writing and writers "good" style we need to ask the bigger question "What is good writing style?"

Good writing style

The definition of good writing is easy to agree on if we limit it to something like "pen on paper" or "typing ideas on a computer". But if we look more closely or seriously at the elements of good writing performance, the definition comes to life. The following paragraphs may help you to think about your students and how they are written for you.

What Are The Different Styles of Writing?

What are the different styles of writing? How many types of writing style and writing style are there? There is some disagreement about how many main forms of writing there are. Depending on which source you are heading towards, you may be told that there are only four different styles of good writing style or you may be told that there are 12 form rules of writing. There is no right or wrong answer to this question because the subject matter is thematic, but there are four most accepted answers. In this post, we will break down the '4 types of writing' and at the same time, we will explain the ways in which some people choose to further subdivide those forms or rules of writing. Let's start by defining the first of the main forms of our good writing.

How Do You Identify A Writing Style?

Are you weird Casual? Formal? Do you have any specific words you use all the time? Do you have brackets everywhere to write your style? Do you go for different punctuation, or prefer short, isolated sentences?

The elements that make up your communication style. That is to consider your writing style as a writer with capital like you or you have to create text for your work from time to time.

If you are interested in improving your communication, start focusing on your habits. Notice which favorite words are popping up, whether you're looking for a semicolon or m-dash, and pay attention to other specific things.
  • View older chapters, articles or emails of your style writing and take note of the recurring features.
  • When you write something new, re-read every word, sentence and paragraph to find your ticks.
  • Ask a friend or colleague what they noticed about your writing style. Sometimes a pair of eyes can take the details that we are so accustomed to glazing.

Once you have identified the features of your writing style, you can work on improving it, or if you are satisfied, keep writing with that higher awareness.

What Is The Most Popular Writing Style?

The most common types of writing styles differ in their level of emotional appeal from their intended purpose to the structure for which they call. Understanding how each of these sections contributes to each type of writing will help you teach students to express themselves more efficiently. As well as assist in reaching higher levels of proficiency in state and national examinations.

Here are five common types of writing styles, each with a quick search and some new techniques for teaching them. Go to this link to see how to improve your writing.
  1. Narrative Writing
  2. Analytical  Writing
  3. Expository Writing
  4. Persuasive Writing
  5. Argumentive Writing

Why Writing Style Guides Are Important?

The existence of a writing style guide protects you from getting involved in debates about whether you should have space before and after an ellipse, whether you should capitalize "for" in a title, and when a number should be fully styled.

If writing style guidelines bother you, imagine for yourself how dull that debate will be. The existence of a style guide means that you can easily have a style guide as a rule of thumb for your short writing without arguing about block quotes.


These are four different broad categories of writing styles that are commonly used: narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository writing styles. Don't worry if another article says there are five, six and eight. Because there are many sub-types of writing that can be style writing in this section.

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