
Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is The Definition of Eight Parts of Speech in Sentence

What is s the Definition of 8 Parts of Speech in Sentence

Definition of 8 Parts of Speech in Sentence

The English language has eight parts of speech in sentence : Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection. The word part refers to how the word works grammatically within the sentence. A word can act as more than one part of a word when used in different situations. When using a dictionary, it is important to understand the parts of the speech to determine the correct definition of a word.

Count the number of words in each of these sentences. Each word in a sentence is a  parts of speech.

What is Parts of Speech?

Part of speech is one of the first grammar subjects we learn when we are in school or when we begin our English language learning process. Parts of speech can be defined as words that play different roles in a sentence. Some parts of speech can perform functions of other parts of speech.

Types of Parts of Speech

There are eight parts of speech in English.

There are:
  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Verb
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection.

1. Noun:

what is a noun? A noun is the name of anything.

  • We live in Bangladesh.
  • It is beautiful country.
  • Our mother language is Bangla.
  • We love our county and our language.

Classification of Noun

★★ There are two Noun in English.
There are:
  • Concrete Noun. Melon, Boy, Hen, Book.
  • Abstract Noun. Honesty, Freedom.

Concrete Noun
There are:
  1. Proper Noun. [Example:Kamal,Rahim,Dhaka,India etc]
  2. Common Noun.[Example:Boy,Girl,Man,Pen,Cow,Dog etc]
  3. Collective Noun. [Example:Army,Class,Navy,Group,Jury etc]
  4. Material Noun  [Example:Gold,Iron,Water,Rice,Tea,Milk etc]

Names of Noun:
Apple, Pen, Table, Meghna, Gold, Rina, Mango, Rampur, Chair, Team, Iron, Jamal, Orange, Padma, Class, Book, Water, Milk, Lion, Mina, Dog, Cat, Cow, Bird, Dhaka, Clock, Tree, etc.

2. Pronoun:

What is a pronoun? A Pronoun is a word which is used instead of Noun.

  • They are my neighbours.
  • My parents like them a lot.
  • We are good friends.
  • That is my pen.

Names of Prominent:
He, She, We, They, my, Them,You, Who, What, Why, Whom, When, This, That, Those, One, Sone, Any, None, Both, Many, Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Themselve, Each, Either, Ever, Neither and Another etc.

Classification of Pronoun
★★There are eight Pronoun in English.

There are:
  • Personal Pronoun. I, We, You, She, They, He It etc
  • Demonstrative Pronoun. This, That, Those, These etc.
  • Interrogative Pronoun. Who, What, Why, Whom, When, Which etc.
  • Relative Pronoun. But, What, Whom, Whose, That, Which etc.
  • Indefinite Pronoun. One, Some, Any, None, Both, Many etc.
  • Distributive Pronoun. Each, Either, Ever, Neither etc.
  • Reflexive and Emphatic Pronoun. Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Themselve etc.
  • Reciprocal Pronoun. Each, Other, One, Another etc.

More Names of Pronoun:
I, You, He, She, We, Us, Your, Me, Our, Him, Her, Myself, My, Himself, This, Each, It, Their, Either, They, Them, Whose, Which, These, Many, Yourself, What, Those, Any, Neither, One, Whom, But, Some, Ourselves etc.

3. Adjective: 

What is an Adjective? An Adjective is a word that qualifies a Noun or a Pronoun.

  • A big house.
  • Two small bags.
  • He is a poor man.

★★There are four Adjectives in English.
There are:
  1. Descriptive Adjective. Rich, Disobedient.
  2. Quantitative Adjective. Much, Little.
  3. Numeral Adjective. One, Two, Fast, Single, Triple.
  4. Pronominal Adjective. Do, Toy, Bought.

Numeral Adjective
There are:
  • Cardinal Adjective.
  • Ordinal Adjective.
  • Multiplicative Adjective.

Cardinal       Ordinal        Multiplicative
One                   first               single
Two                  second          double
Three               third              triple
Four                 fourth            fourfold
Five                  fifth                fivefold

Pronominal Adjective
There are:
i. Demonstrative Adjective.
  • This boy is honest.
  • That pen is new.
  • Those boys are playing.

ii. Interrogative Adjective.
  • Which brothers invented the ballpoint pen?
  • What fruits do you like eating?
  • Which baby food brand is best?
  • Who is the No 1 player in the world?
  • When should last meal be before bed?

iii. Distributive Adjective.
  • Each boy has a pen.
  • Every man must die.

iv. Possessive Adjective.
  • This is your school.
  • That is my pen/pencil.

Good, Old, Fine, Red, Long, Black, Sweet, Sad, Rich, Tall, Happy, Four, Much, Yellow, Many, Big, Few, More, Green, Easy, Brave, Clever, Nice, Blue, Cold, Hard, Dishonest, Bad, Two, Stupid, Hot, Small, Honest, Three, Dark, Light, White, Poor, Strong, Soft, New, Timid, Left, Five, Heavy, Right, Unhappy, Short, Blind, Fat etc.

4. Verb: 

What is verb? A verb is a word that does something.

  • Rana reads a book. 
  • Rahim plays football.                 
  • They are going to school.

Classification of Verb

Click on the video to learn more about verb classification:

★★There are two Verb in English.
There are: 

  1. Principal Verb. Play, Read, Eat, Sing etc.
  2. Auxiliary Verb. Am, is, are, have, has, do etc.

Names of Verb:
Do, Get, Drink, Are, Cry, Bye, Catch, Fail, Eat, Sing, Tell, Bring, Close, Begin, Draw, Feed, Go, Say, Take, Beat, Drive, Feel, Was, Find, Am, Come, Dance, Bind, Choose, Fly, Play, Break, Cut, Fall, Burn, Die, See, Fight, Were etc.

5. Adverb:

What is adverb? A Adverb is a word that modifies a Verb and Adverb.

  • The horse runs fast.
  • Kamal walks slowly.

★★There are three Adverb in English.
There are :
  1. Simple Adverb. Sweetly, Unfortunately.
  2. Interrogative Adverb. When, Instantly.
  3. Relative Adverb. Badly, Early, Often.

Names of Adverb:
Always, Easily, Then, Very, Regularly, Once, Soon, Daily, After, Many, Bravely, Gently, Fast, Early, Well, Quickly, Not, Again, Slowly, Out, Tomorrow, When, Where, Loudly, Gladly, Here, Never, Before, Yesterday, Boldly, Near, Today, Along, Ever, Politely etc.

6. Preposition: 

What is a preposition? A Preposition is a word that stands before a Noun or Pronoun and indicates their relationship with other words.

  • The book is on the table. 
  • The dog is under the tree. 
  • He goes into the room.

Read the following passage and notice the underlined words:

Mr. Kamal was born on 7 April 1980 at a small village in the district of Pabna. He Completed his primary and secondary education from two local schools. Then he came to Rajshahi for higher education.

Names of Preposition:
At, Of, For, After, Towards, By, On, With, Before, Beside, In, To, Between, From, Upon, Above, Without, Under, Into, Near, Among, Behind, Within, Over, Against, Up, Far, Since, Beyond, Below etc.

7. Conjunction:

What is a conjunction? A Conjunction is a words which joins two or more words or sentences.

  • Mango and Banana are sweet.
  • The former is tall but the letter is short.
  • She could not walk because her left knee was hurting.

Names of Conjunction 
And, If, Yet, Though, Otherwise, Unless, But, As, Till, For, Untill, As well as, So, Because, Or Still, Then, Before etc.

8. Interjection:

What is interjection? A Interjection is a word that expresses some sudden feeling and emotion of men.

  • Alas! I am undone.
  • Hurrah! We have won the game.
  • Wow! What a nice gift!
  • Ugh! My teeth are aching.
  • Alas! I am undone said the poor beggar

Names of Interjection 
Alas, Look, Hurrah, Good bye, Oh, Bravo, Excellent, Good night, Hallow, Hush, Fie, Good morning, Welcome, Ah, Indeed, Hail etc.


There are two Verbs in English.
There are :
  1. Strong Verb.
  2. Weak Verb.

Strong Verb
Present               Past                P.Participle
Arise                   arose                 arisen
Awake                awoke                awoke
Be                        was,were           been
Bear                    bore                    borne
Begin                  began                 begun
Bind                    bound                bound
Become              became             become
Bite                     bit                       bit,bitten
Break                  broke                 broken
Choose               chose                 chosen
Come.                 came                  come
Dig.                     dug                     dug
Draw                  drew                   drawn
Drink                  drank                 drunk
Eat                      ate                      eaten
Fall                     fell                       fallen
Fight                  fought                 fought
Find                   found                  found
Fly                      flew                     flown
Get                     got                       got
Go                      went                    gone
Grow                  grew                   grown
Hold                   held                     held
Know                 knew                    known
Ring                    rang                     rung
Rise                     rose                     risen
Run                     ran                       run
See                      saw                      seen
Sing                     sang                     sung
Sit                        sat                        sat
Speak                  spoke                  spoken
Stand                   stood                   stood
Swim                   swam                   swum
Take                     took                     taken
Throw                  threw                  thrown
Wear                    wore                    worn
Win                       won                     won
Write                    wrote                  written

Weak Verb
Present            Past                P.Participle
Bring                  brought             brought
Build                  built                    built
Bye                     bought               bought
Call                     called                 called
Cry                      cried                  cried
Catch                  caught               caught
Die                      died                    died
Do                       did                      done
Fell                      felled                  felled
Flow                    flowed               flowed
Hang                   hanged              hanged
Have                   had                     had
Hear                    heard                 heard
Lay                      laid                      laid
Lose                    lost                      lost
Pay                      paid                    paid
Teach                  taught                taught
Set                       set                       set
Hang                   hung                   hung

Exercise for Practice

Point out different Parts of Speech in the following sentence.
  • Nisu is a good girl.
  • They are playing football in the field.
  • He walks slowly
  • The dog is a faithful animal.
  • He has five pens.
  • May Allah bless you.
  • The pious are happy.
  • Our class consists of forty pupils.
  • The girl has a sweet voice.
  • She goes to school now.
  • Smith and Symon are brothers.
  • Kamal and Jamal go to school together.
  • Alas! I am undone.
  • Walking is good exercise.
  • Bonna is the first girl of the class.
  • Water has no colour.
  • He is very clever an intelligent.
  • Columbus discovered America.
  • Walk fast or you will miss the train.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are parts of speech?

Answer: The term 'part of speech' refers to words that perform various functions in a sentence to give it a proper meaning and structure.

How many parts of speech are there?

Answer: There are 8 parts of speech in total.

What is said in parts of speech?

Answer: This means different types of speech. For example, when you address someone's name, it means noun, when you indicate it means verb, etc. The speech follows 8 parts - Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection.

What is determined in parts of speech?

Answer: To know the part of a word speech, we need to know how it is being used in the sentence. Give us the sentence containing the prescribed word and we can tell you part of the statement.

What do I mean by parts of speech?

Answer: There is a description for every word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, etc. used in English.

Part of a sentence is a clause. Words can be nouns, adverbs. They can be active or reflexive, past present and future. You can complete a book with these. They are all part of the speech.

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