
Sunday, April 12, 2020

How To Write Complete A Story

How To Write Complete A Story?

How To Write Complete A Story is: Competing a story is a type of essay or composition. Completing a Story is basically a way of verifying creativity or creativity of hunters by transforming some given outlines into a full story.

What is a Complete Story?

Story writing refers to the style of writing in which the writer describes an event that leads to a problem. The same progression and end result that lead to the current situation of the characters in the story. A story can be about a real or fictional event with real life or fictional characters.

At school, as part of the English language learning process, students are forced to write stories. This is done to improve both language skills as well as students' creative thinking skills. Story writing can become an interesting hobby if you enjoy creating stories. If you know the different elements of a story and how to structure it, you can learn to write a well-woven story.

Rules for Completing a Story

  1. Questionnaires will usually contain special or outline sections of a familiar or unfamiliar story. The story should be written in simple and fluent language, given the specifications.
  2. The title/title must be added at the beginning of the story.
  3. The story should be written primarily using past tense.
  4. It's best to write the moral lesson of the story or the moral title of the story.
  5. Even if the glue is not known, there is no problem. Will try to write a story in your own mind using the outline of the question paper. However, the story must end.

More important Tips for Completing a Story
  • In light of the given outline of the story, it will create a plot of the whole story in mind.
  • There is a moral lesson in how the story is written.
  • When writing stories from a given outline, keep in mind that the flow of events remains unchanged.
  • Never change the story's outline, that is, use the given outline perfectly.
  • Will avoid unnecessary talk.

Ten Secret Things to Write A Better Story

Writing is not easy, and writing a good story is tough.
I was wondering how Pixar came up with so many great movies year after year. Then, I found that a typical Pixar movie takes six years to develop and most of that time is spent on the story.

In this article, you will learn how to write a story and more importantly a good story.

I Know All About How I Can Write Stories

I know all about how I can write stories

Since I started practicing writing a few years ago, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this question, how to write a good story. I read books and blog posts to write, took classes, asked dozens of authors, and of course wrote stories.

The following ten steps are a distraction from what I learned about writing a good story. I hope this has made writing your story a bit easier, but more than that, I hope you were challenged to go deeper into your own research on how to write a story.

1. Write One Sitting Down

Write the first draft of the story in as short a time as possible. If you are writing a short story, try to sit down and write. If you write a novel, try to write it in one season (3 months).

Don’t worry too much about the plot or outline in advance. You can do this after telling the story first. The process of discovering your first draft. You are like an archaeologist who excavated ancient cities from the ground. You may have a few clues about where your city has been buried before but you don’t know what it will be until it is discovered.

2. Develop Your Character

The stories are about the main characters and if you don’t have good characters you won’t have good stories. They must decide the necessary material for each hero. “A man is a decision maker,” said Victor Frankl. "You must decide to spread the word about the story that your story is about and as such he must come to a crisis and decide to free himself from the chaos."
Use the archeology of other characters as opposed to villains, heroes or fools to further develop your hero, a hero character who reveals the soft side of the hero.

3. Create Drama and Suspense

Set up dramatic questions to create suspense. A dramatic question is something like, "Is he going to make it?" Or, "Will he get the man of his dreams?" Doubting the fate of your hero, you asked the reader, what will happen next?

Note: To do this well, you need to carefully limit the flow of information to readers. The drama of over-sharing does not spoil anything.

4. Show, and Don't Say

To be honest, the phrase "show, don't say" has been overused. However, it becomes very effective when placed next to the upper step.

When something interesting happens in your story and it changes the fate of your character, don’t tell us about it. Show the scene! Your readers have the right to see the best parts of the story play out in front of them. Show interesting parts of your story and tell the remainder.

5. Write the Dialogue Well

Write the Dialogue well

Good conversation comes from two things: intimate knowledge of your characters and lots of rewriting.

Each character should have a different tone and read each character's dialogue to make sure your characters all look different. Read Ask yourself, "Does it sound like my character?" If your answer is no, then you have to write something.

Also, try not to use anything other than "he said" and "he said" with your speaker tags. Speaker tags like "he announced," "he announced," and "he spoke out loud" are misleading and unnecessary. Although sometimes “he asked” is okay.

6. Write About Death

Think about the last five (5) novels you read. How many of these characters died? Good story, often associated with death. The main characters who died were Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Charlotte's Web, The Lord of the Rings and many more. Death is a universal theme, because every living person will die one day. Tap on the power of death to tell your story.

7. Edit as Pro

Most professional writers write three (3) drafts or more. The first draft is often called the "vomit draft" or "the first draft of the spray." Do not share with anyone! Your first draft is your chance to explore your story and figure out what it’s about.

Not to polish your second draft, although many new writers will try to polish their embarrassing first draft as soon as possible. Instead, the second draft is for key structural changes and clarifying the plot and characters of your novel or the main ideas of your non-fiction book.

The third (3rd) draft is for deep polishing. Now that’s when everything starts to jail. This is the fun part! But polishing without writing the first two drafts is probably a waste of your time.

8. Know The Rules, Then Break Them Down

The authors know all the rules well and follow them. Great writers know all the rules well and break them. But the best writers do not break the rules arbitrarily. These break them down because a whole new set of rules is needed for their stories. Respect the rules, but remember you don’t serve the rules. You are the distributor of your story.

9. Block of Defeated Writers

Writing is the best way to overcome the writer's block. If you’re stuck but don’t try to write well. Just write without trying to be perfect.

Sometimes you have to start removing stress to write a better story.

10. Share Your Work

You write better when you know that someone will soon read what you wrote. If you write in the dark, no one will know that you are not giving what you put in your writing. When you share your writing, you face the possibility of failure. This will probably force you to write the best story.
One of the best ways to write a story and share your writing is to write a contest. The theme will inspire a new creation, deadlines will hold you accountable and encourage you to submit prizes and possibly win! We want to write a practice writing competition here. Why don't we enter the next one?

Great Way to Write a Story

All these tips will help you write a story. A Good story writing techniques? Practice.
Celebrate after you finish the story you are writing! Then, you start your next one. There are no shortcuts outside of this: keep writing. Even using the best book writing software or tools like Pro-Writing Aid (see our Pro-Writing Aid review) won't help as much as continuing to write.

To Practice

Tell a story?
Using the tips above, write the first draft in one sitting. Then, share a few paragraphs of your practice over there in the comments paragraph. And if you share your own practice, be sure to get some practice feedback from other authors as well.
Good luck!

Now Write The Story

1. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
There lived two close friends in a certain village. They were very found of travelling. One day they went to a forest to see the natural beauty. They were walking ............

A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed

There lived two close friends during a certain village. They were very found of travelling. At some point they visited a forest to ascertain the natural beauty. They were walking along the trail of the fores. They were so spell bound by the thrill of the forest that they even didn't notice that that they had entered into the deep forest. After that, they noticed taht that they had lost their way. They knew it alright that the forest was the abode of varied wind animals. So, they promised to at least one another that they might never leave one another in times of danger.

One friend knew the way to hop on a tree but the opposite didn't. Anyway, they were walking through the jungle and searching they way. All on a student, they saw a bear coming towards them. They both got frightened. One friend said, Dear friend, I can grow a tree. As you don't skills to climb, you had better run away. The other friend became very disappointed hearing this. But he knew that a bear doesn't touch a body. So, finding no other way, he capitalized the thought and fell flat on the bottom sort of a dead soul. When he assumed the bear was right next to him, he stopped breathing. The bear smelt the body of the lying friend and thought him to be a body.

So, it didn't touch him and went away gently. The friend on the tree saw everything. When the bear left, he fell down from the tree. He visited his friend and asked him eagerly, "Dear friend, what did the bear whisper into your ear?" Back the friend said, "It advised me to not trust a lover who leaves his friend at the time of danger." At this, the false friend felt embarrassed and left the place. So, we've to be very careful into choosing our friends.

2. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once there lived two rats during a house. at some point they stole a bit bread from their neighbouring house. But the matter arose the way to divide it because ............

Dividing of The Bread Between Two Rats

Once there lived two rats during a house. At some point they stole a bit bread from their neighbouring house. But the matter arose the way to divide it because each of the rats wanted the larger part. Once they didn't reach any conciliation, they visited a monkey who is taken into account to be the wises of all the animals. They requested the cash to divide the bread equally.

The monkey brought a pair of scales. He cut the bread into two pieces. He told the rats that one pice was clearly heavier than the opposite. So, he bit off a neighborhood of that bigger piece. As a result the opposite piece became heavier. Then the monkey took a neighborhood from the heavier piece and put it on the scales.

The monkey continued doing an equivalent thing again and again until there remained just one piece of bread. Now, the rats ask the monkey to return the piece to them. They said that they would divide the bread evenly. But the monkey said he worked hard to divide the bread evenly. So he wanted it as his fee. Saying therefore the monkey ate that piece also. The rat left the place during a very sad mood but the incident made them wise also.

3. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once a farmer had a donkey. He thought himself to be very clever. He wont to carry heavy load of his master alone to a market which was on the opposite said of river. One morning ................

A Farmer and A Donkey

Once a farmer had a donkey. He thought himself to be very clever. He wont to carry heavy load of his master alone to a market which was on the opposite said of river. One morning when the donkey reached the river, he decided to form his journey shorten by wading across the water.

But at one stage he reached a really deep spot. He had to swim to cross the river. Fortunately, he was carrying sacks of salt thereon day. So, an outsized portion of the salt diluted within the water. As a result the burden is light and he can easily cross the river. He felt very pleased with himself. He decided that from next time onwards he would follow an equivalent way.

But the donkey didn't know that subsequent day he was carrying a load of sponge. As he approached the river, he started waterlogging on the river. But this point the load became so heavy soaking water that the drowned. Though he thought himself clever, really he's foolish. And for his foolishness, he died.

4. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once during a cold winter morning when a villager was getting to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, laying by the said of the road. The villager took ..................

Black Takes on Other Hue

Once during a cold winter morning when a villager was getting to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, laying by the said of the road. The villager took pity upon it, brought it home and placed it by the hearth said. Then he made the snake comfortable with hot milk.

When the snake became well, he began to oly with the youngsters of the villager and, for a time the snake behaved alright. But the snake was wicked to the backbone, and while playing at some point with the youngsters of the villager, he bit one among them. At this the villager became very angry and together with his axe he killed the snake.

5. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once a crow snatched a bit of meat from a farmer's child and flew to a tree. A fox was foundering that tree. He saw the piece of meat within the beak of the crow. He was very tempted. He thought of ......................

The Fox and Therefore The Crow

Once a crow snatched a bit of meat from a farmer's child and flew to a tree. A fox was foundering that tree. He saw the piece of meat within the beak of the crow. He was very tempted. He thought of getting an honest meal thereupon piece of meat. So he started flattering the crow.

"Hi, mr. Crow", said the fox, "It's understood to everybody that you simply have a sweet tone. Will you please sing song for me?"
The crow was very flattering and agreed to sing. When he opened his month, the piece of meat fell to the bottom. The fox took it and left the place. Then the crow realised his foolishness and decided to not believe a flatterer again.

6. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once there was a farmer during a village. He was very idle. He had few plots of land. But he didn't plough them well. He didn't saw seeds in time. So, he could ..................

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Once there was a farmer during a village. He was very idle. He had few plots of land. But he didn't plough them well. He didn't saw seeds in time. So, he couldn't raise good crops. As result, he was always in want of food. The farmer had a vegetable garden near his house. at some point he saw that the fencing around the garden was broken. He said to himself, "I shall repair the fencing tomorrow." But he totally forget it subsequent day.

Some days gone by. The farmer didn't repair the broken fencing. One day, he sat idle before the house. He saw some goats entering the garden with broken fences. He called his wife to drive the goats from the garden. The farmer's wife was cooking inside the kitchen. She came out and saw the garden to chase away the goats. A dog was waiting outside the kitchen. When the farmer's wife went out, the dog entered the kitchen and spoiled a number of the food cooked by her.

7. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
Once, an ant was very thirsty. He visited a pond to drink water. As he started to drink water, a wave carried him. He was close to drown. There was a tree on the bank of the pond and .....................

An Ant and A Dove

Once, an ant was very thirsty. He visited a pond to drink water. As he started to drink water, a wave carried him. He was close to drown. There was a tree on the shore of the pond and a dove sitting on the tree trunk. He noticed that the ant was close to drown. Feeling pity for the ant, the dove wanted to save lots of him. So he dropped a leaf ahead of the ant. The ant rose to the leaf and was saved. 

Another day, when the ant was seeking food thereunder tree, it noticed that a hunter had aimed toward the dove. The dove didn't realize it. The ant thought, I must save the lifetime of the dove because it saved my life. So he bit on the proper leg of Orion. At this, the hunter's hands tremble and therefore the bullet missed its aim. Then the dove flew away and wise saved.

8. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
There was a shepherd boy. He used to feed sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day, he wanted to make a fun .................

A Liar Shepherd

There was a shepherd boy. He used to feed sheep near a forest. It was not far from his village. One day, he wanted to make a fun with the villagers. So, he began to shout, "Wolf! Help! Help!" The villagers heard the boy's cry and ran to help him. But when they came to him, they couldn't find any wolves there and the boy laughed at them. The villagers were fooled by the cunning boy. So, they went away.

After a few days he made the some fun. The villagers came again to help him, but no wolf was found there. One day, a wolf really came. The boy climbed up a tree and shouted for help. The villagers heard him but they thought that it was his another fun. No one came to help him. The wolf killed one of his sheep and took it away. The boy felt sorry for his silly joke.

9. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose laid an gold egg everyday. The farmer sold the egg and began to change his poor condition. But the farmer was very greedy. He thought ....................

A Greedy Farmer

There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose laid an gold egg everyday. The farmer sold the egg and began to change his poor condition. But the farmer was very greedy. He thought that there were many eggs in the belly of the goose. He wanted to have all the eggs at a time and become rich overnight.

One day, he hit on a plan that he would kill the goose and bring all the gold eggs from its belly. He told his wife about his plan. His wife was wise but not greedy. She said to her husband, "Don't be greedy. Be happy with what we've." But the farmer did not listen to his wife's words. He killed the goose with a sharp knife. Then he cut open its belly. But alas! He found no eggs in it. Thus, the greedy farmer lost his useful goose.

10. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
There had been a greedy dog. One day he stole piece of meat from a farmer's kitchen. Taking it in his mouth, he began to run away. He was looking for a suitable place to eat the piece of meat. While he .....................

Grasp All Lose All

There had been a greedy dog. One day he stole piece of meat from a farmer's kitchen. Taking it in his mouth, he began to run away. He was looking for a suitable place to eat the piece of meat. While she was carrying it, she had to cross a bridge over a small stream on the way. While walking on the bridge, he saw his own image in the water below.

He thought it was just another dog with another dog's meat. He wished to have that piece of meat also. 

So, he dropped his piece of meat on the ground and jumped into the water to snatch the other piece of meat. But he found nothing in the water. While he was in the water, a crow came and took away the piece of meat. The dog had nothing to do. Thus, he lost his meal for his greediness.

11. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
It was long time ago. There was a town in Germany called Hamelin. Hamelin was a small but beautiful town. There was a river on one side and a mount on the other. The people of Hamelin grew .........................

The Paid Piper of Hamelin

It was long time ago. There was a town in Germany called Hamelin. Hamelin was a small but beautiful town. There was a river on one side and a mount on the other. The Hamelin people grew crops on the surrounding land. People lived happily there. They had no worries. They had a mayor to oversee their affairs.

But suddenly the town was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were very big and fierce. They fought the dogs, killed the cats, and bit the kids on the cradles. They ate up the corn in the granaries. They ate up everything they could. They ran about all the time making fearful sounds. The people were greatly annoyed. The became helpless. They tried to get rid of the problem, but found no way.

At last the people came to the town Hall and told the Mayor about their sufferings. The Mayor called up a meeting of his councillors. They talked about different plans. But they could not find any way how to kill the rats. Just then, a tall and thin man with a long coat of many colours and a strange hat on his head entered the room. He had a pipe in his hand.

12. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
He is very poor. He has none to bear his educational expenses. He support himself with the money he earns from tuition. He thought it was his golden chance to get money by which ......................

Reward of Honesty

He is very poor. He has none to bear his educational expenses. He support himself with the money he earns from tuition. He thought it was his golden chance to get money by which he can become solvent. But he's honest to the core of his heart. He did not even open the bag. He went to the nearest police station to inform the matter.

To his utter surprise he found a foreign lady in front of the officer-in-change of the police station. She went their to lodge a general diary about the losing of the bag.

Rakib handed the bag to the lady.
There were a passport, a few thousand dollars and some other important documents inside the bag. The lady became amazed at the honesty of Rakib. She instantly gave one thousand dollar to Rakib as a reward and also took the responsiblity of bearing all his educational expenses.

13. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
One day, a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place in search of water. But he found no water. He continued hi search for water. At last he saw a jar. He leaned in the container and saw that ......................

A Thirsty Crow

One day, a crow became very thirsty. He flew from place in search of water. But he found no water. He continued hi search for water. At last he saw a jar. He leaned in the container and saw that there was some water under the jar. He tried to drink water but could not drink the water. He tried again and again but in vain. He became very sad and hopeless.

Suddenly, he saw some small pieces of stone near the jar. A good idea came into his hand. He picked up the stones and dropped them into the jar one by one. As a result, the water came to an end. The crow then drank water from the contents of his heart and left with a cheerful heart.

14. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
There were a woodcutter. He had a donkey. One day, he went to the forest with his donkey it bring firewood. In the forest he cut some logs and put them on the beak of the donkey. The woodcutter ........................

A Foolish Woodcutter and His Donkey

There were a woodcutter. He had a donkey. One day, he went to the forest with his donkey it bring firewood. In the forest he cut some logs and put them on the beak of the donkey. The woodcutter did not sit the saddle. He sat on the logs. Then he started his return journey. After a few minutes the woodcutter met a man on the way. He saw him and laughed. He asked her, Why did not you just sit down?

The woodcutter looked at the man and said, "You're a foolish man. You don't realise my donkey is weak. It can't bear my weight. So, I've sat on the logs. Now my weight is on the logs and not on the donkey. If sit on the saddle, my weight will be on the donkey.

Then it'll not be possible for the donkey to bear the weight. Poor animal! I must help him." The man thought that the woodcutter was foolish. So, he laughed and went away.

15. Read the opening of a story and complete it in ten sentences.
One night, the boy Bayazid was sitting beside his ailing mother. She was lying on her bed. At midnight she woke up and wanted a glass of water. Bayazid .........

Bayazid's Love For His Mother

One night, the boy Bayazid was sitting beside his ailing mother. She was lying on her bed. At midnight she woke up and wanted a glass of water. Bayazid went to the kitchen to bring water. But the pitcher was empty. He thought he would fetch water from a fountain. He went alone to the fountain with the pitcher and came beak home with the pitcher full of water.

In the meantime, his mother was sleeping again. He didn't went to disturb hus ailing mother. So, he remained standing beside his mother's bed. 

In the morning, Bayazid's mother awoke. She became astonished to see her son standing with the glass of water beside her bad. She could remember what happened last night. She embraced her son with deep love and prayer do Almighty Allah for her son. In his later life, Bayezid became a great helper.

How to Write a Good Story

All these tips will help you write the story. Good story writing techniques? Practice.
After finishing the story you are writing, celebrate! Then, start your next one. There are no shortcuts outside of this: keep writing. Even using the best book writing technique or following the site (see our education sciences site review) won’t help compared to continuing writing.

What are your best tips on how to write complete a story? Let me know in the comments box below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is a Short Story?

Answer: Don't forget to refer to short nonfiction articles as short stories. In the world of publishing, short stories always refer to fiction. And short stories come in a variety of shapes and sizes:
  • Traditional: 1000-5000 words
  • Flash Fiction: 500-1,000 words
  • Micro fiction: 5 to 350 words

What is the format for story writing in the class 10 CBSE?

  • Context—Use phrases like 'Once upon a time ........' Long ago ........ '
  • Character identity through conversation/ words.
  • Plot—A description of an incident/ accident.
  • Climax—The end of the story.
  • Ethics of the story—A key point to write at the end of the story.

What is more important for you a good story or good writing?

: The answer is obviously both ... although I admit that I like extremes. So, a good story with medium writing? It could be off, there is no time for everything. A good story with completely God-fearing writing? I would be interested in it because I need a smile. Yes, I'm bad.

Where to Find Story Writing Ideas?

Answer: Every novelist/ short story writer has heard this question many times. "Where do you get this idea of ​​yours?" The answer is always the same: from everywhere. Many aspiring writers believe that they have to wait for sudden inspiration, but creating ideas is a process rather than an epiphany.

Where is your story taking place?

Answer: The detail could be just for the environment (a bookstore where two people meet and start a whirlwind romance), or they could play a major role (a mountaintop from which a volcano man is trying to escape because of the sudden roar of the volcano he is studying Doing)

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