
Thursday, February 6, 2020

How To Write A Paragraph for Kids

What is A Paragraph for Kids

A Paragraph for kids may be a coherent, well-structured and logical discussion of an idea. The sentences in Paragraph are going to be linked to Prosper. Also, the sentences will be meaningful.

Parts of a paragraph:
A paragraph has three parts:

There are:
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences
  • Closing sentence

To write a paragraph, you would like to enter it into one among the groups mentioned below. And with this method, a standard paragraph can be written very easily.

There are:
  • Paragraph development by listing and example: In order to support this national paragraph topic sentence, examples are to be written in the form of a list.
  • Paragraph development by comparison and contrast: It's usually written on the basis of comparative discussion on two topics. Referring to the advantages and disadvantages of two things, it's logical to develop such a paragraph.
  • Paragraph development by cause and effect: This paragraph is typically associated with different problems, during which case students should lookout of the most reasons why the matter occurs.
  • Paragraph development by space and time: The events that carry historical significance during this case or. There could also be paragraphs on any space or region that's important for historical, economic/various reasons.
  • Paragraph development by definition: This paragraph is typically written with the abstract idea. In this case one must first provides a definition, pertaining to what the hearing falls on. It will then discuss its main features, advantages, disadvantages.
  • Paragraph development by classification: This national paragraph is usually discussed by dividing the content into different categories.

Textual Paragraph

  1. Folk Song
  2. Nakshi Kantha
  3. Ethnic People of Bangladesh
  4. Bangladeshi Cuisine
  5. Good Food
  6. The way to Prepare Custard
  7. Healthiness
  8. Hygiene
  9. Physical Exercise
  10. A Teacher
  11. A Dictionary
  12. Employing A Dictionary
  13. Tree Plantation
  14. Truthfulness
  15. Suvarnabhumi
  16. The way To Fly By A Plane
  17. A January By Plane I Have Made
  18. The Tha Kha Floating Market
  19. Pearls
  20. River Gypsies
  21. The Ama Woman
  22. Wasik Farhan-Roopkotha
  23. Wheels
  24. An Ideal Student
  25. A Time Period
  26. Paper
  27. My Childhood 
  28. My Room
  29. Your Pet Animal
  30. My Favourite Game/Cricket

1. Folk Song

Folk song could also be a kind of song sung within the normal kind of a country or community. Folk song includes the life-style of the agricultural people, with all their hopes,expectations, sorrows and dreams. The major folk songs of our country are Baul, Bhatiyali, Murshidi, Marfati, Jarigan, Jatragan, Sharigan, our country are Tabla, Dhol, Madal, Ektara, Bansi, Sitar, Katak, Mandira, Dotara, Sarad and Sarinda etc. The young generation nowadays show less interest in folk music. In general, band and pop are the becoming more and more popular among the younger generation. Since folk song symbolize our cultural and tradition we should always keep ourselves attached with folk song.

2. Nakshi Kantha

Naksi Kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was derived from the Bangla word design. The word Nakshs means artistic pattern. It is a sort of traditional craft and is claimed to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practised in rural areas of Bangladesh for hundreds of years. The name Nakshi Kantha rose to prominence by the publication of Jasim Uddin's poem Nakshi Kantha Math in one. Traditional Kabthas are made for family use. Old cloth and thread are used to make Nakshi Kantha. Now it's produced commercially in many districts of Bangladesh. It is expensive embroidered on them.

Now Watch the Video Nakshi Kantha Paragraph

3. Ethnic People of Bangladesh

Ethnic people are people of a selected culture group. Ethnic people have great importance within the culture of Bangladesh. There are differing types of ethic people in Bangladesh. The majority of those peoples sleep in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The others sleep in the regions of Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They sleep in forest areas, within the hills and in rural areas. They practise Jhum cultivation. They clear a bit of land within the forest, prepare it and sow seeds in it. They're mostly farmers. By religion they're Hindus, Christians or Buddhists. They speak their own mother tongues. They've some common characteristics. They've their own life style. They make their homes called 'Machang' on bamboo/wooden platforms. Rice is their staple food. Men were lungis and women were thames/sarongs and angis. Women weave their own clothing, hunt/fishing are their favourite entertainment times. They are keen on songs, music, dances, theatre and fair. Wrestling is popular sport for them.

4. Bangladeshi Cuisine

The people of Bangladesh enjoy differing types of delicious and appetizing food, snacks and sweets. Boiled rice is our staple food. It's served with a selection of vegetables, curry, lentil soups also fish and meat. Fish is the main source of protein. It is cultivated in pounds. We have fresh water fishes. Shutki/dried fishes and hilsa are also very fashionable with the people of Bangladesh. Panta ilish-a traditional platter of panta bhat may be a popular dish. It's eaten on Pohela Boishakh. The people of Bangladesh also are keen on sweets. Women prepare different kinds of pitha and sweets. The people of Bangladesh distribute sweets among relatives once they hear excellent news. There are many different sorts of sweet preparation. Sweets are made from milk. Sweets are a crucial a part of our lifestyle.

5. Good Food

Food is one among the essential needs of person. Food is essential for our survival. We cannot live without it. So we must always have good food. Good food means the proper quite food permanently health. It is nutritious. It must contain natural substance's that our body must grow properly and stay healthy. So we must not eat an excessive amount of though the food is nice. Eating too much is bad for health. We should remember that we've to eat only a particular amount of food that our body needs. So we don't need the some quite food within the same quantity. It depends on our growth and physical structure.

6. The way to Prepare Custard

First the numerous kinds of fruits are to be washed and packed them off. Then the fruits are dig small pieces on and kept them among bowl. Then milk is boiled during a pot. Next sugar is mixed with it. Then the mixture is to be stirred. then custard powder is taken during a little cup. Secondly four (4) tablespoons of cold milk is mixed well. Again the mixture is poured within the boiling milk and thus the mixture must be stirred well. Third, the mixture is stirred for five (5) minutes and stirred. Then the pot is began from the stove. Gradually the mixture becomes cool. Then it's poured into the fruit bowl. Thus delicious custard is ready for eating.

7. Healthiness

Good health means soundness of body and mind. It keeps one fit and free from diseases. By observing certain rules, one can maintain healthiness. One is to require a diet, drink pure water, take regular exercise and rest etc. He's also to watch the principles do cleanliness. Sinecure most of the people of our country live below the poverty line, they are doing not get the food they have permanently health. Even the rich and therefore the educated people aren't aware of the riles of excellent health. They are doing not take a diet because they think that costly food means a nutritive food. As a result most of the peoples of our country suffer from various complexities. These complexities bear harmful effect on our health like frustration and hopelessness etc. But only taking a diet isn't enough to stay healthiness. The one that's ambitious and runs after wealth cannot maintain an honest health. By a keeping simple and care free life one can enjoy healthiness.

8. Hygiene

Hygiene means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to remain our home and work please clean. It's important for our good health. To maintain healthiness we must follow the principle of hygiene. Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. Because if we're unclean in our body, mind, and spirit, we can't achieve anything physical, mental or spiritual. Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow the rules of hygiene. We should wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes leave a bad odor and invite germs. We should wear socks and shoes once we leave to guard our feet from dust and germs. It's also important to scrub our hands before meals and after using the rest room. We should brush our teeth twice every day, after breakfast and supper. We must also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be pure. By boiling and filtering we'll get pure water. By following of these rules properly, we'll be ready to lead a healthy and happy life.

9. Physical Exercise

How To Write A Paragraph Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means regular movement of our body parts in line with the principles. It's essential to remain our body fit and mind sound. There lies an among depth connection between body and mind. We can not consider a sound mind without a sound health. It's workout witch enables us to create an honest health. Physical exercise makes our body active and therefore the muscles strong. It also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. A machine gets rust to require proper use. Human body is also a machine. It becomes inactive and weak due to lack of practice. So we should always always take regular workout so on lookout of a sound health and lead a cheerful life.

10. A Teacher

A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays a crucial role in build up an informed nation. He remove the darkness of ignorance from a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He possesses to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He's ready to hold the eye and interest of his students. He's a transparent speaker with good, strong pleasing voice which is under his control. He doesn't sit motionless before his class. He makes lessons interesting to the students. He made his students confident and proved them clever. Everybody has something valuable inside him. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden in each student. He also wants the scholars happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers after money. His only thought is how he could present the state an honest citizen.

11. A Dictionary

A dictionary may be a collection of words of a specific language. It lists the words of a language and provides necessary information about them. It tells us about the spelling, pronouncing, meaning, parts of speech etc of words. Italics have a transparent example sentence to elucidate the meaning of the word. For example sentences show how words are used. It gives a word synonym and synonyms. We find word made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the basis word. Parts of speech are also shown. A verb word is usually given within the simple present. But the past sort of a verb and therefore the perfect participle also are shown.

12. Employing a Dictionary

If you would like to enhance your English, you want to learn to use a dictionary. A dictionary helps you with the meaning of words. It also show you the right spelling and pronouncing of a word. To urge help from a dictionary you would like to find out to use it first. Here are some instructions that you simply simply can follow. Read the introductory section of a dictionary. Usually, all the instruction are given during this section. If you undergo the sections. You want to learn them carefully. Without them it'll be very difficult for you to use the dictionary. You want to learn have an honest idea about the symbols of Pronouncing. Without learning them, you'll not be ready to pronounce a word correctly. Every dictionary follows alphabetical order. For instance, the word 'dictionary' begins with 'd'. So you'll find it within the section after 'c' and before 'e'. Practice will cause you to an honest user of dictionary.

13. Tree Plantation

Trees are useful to man in three vital ways. They supply him with wood and other products; They provide him shade; and that they help to stop drought and floods. Trees bear an excellent impact on the climate. If we destroy trees randomly, at some point the country will become an excellent desert. Again there'll be no rain and as a result the country will face an excellent crisis. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us from flood and lots of other natural calamities. Trees prevent the increase in temperature. They provide us oxygen. They percent the increase of carbon-dioxide world wide. Thus trees maintain ecological balance. Trees give us food and shelter. They create the land fertile. We get timber from trees. This timber is employed in making houses, boats, ships and furniture etc. They save the house from cyclone. They also give shade to guard us from the scorching heat of the sun. Many trees give us fruit. Trees help and beasts. Trees are things of beauty too. We'll lookout of trees by not cutting them. We'll also lookout of trees by planting them more and more. We should always plant trees more and more for a far better, happier and healthier life.

14. Truthfulness

Truthfulness means the habit of speaking the truth. Truthfulness is that the greatest of all virtues during a man's life. It means the standard of speaking the reality. Truth happiness and prosperity of man entirely depends thereon. It ennobles one's character and provides one a high position in society. It's going to not make one rich but it brings peace of mind. A truthful person is loved and revered by all. A truthful person cares nobody. He/she'll not commit a touch vice. All religions teach us to be truthful. By dint of truthfulness all can shine in life. Many persons within the world become great by virtue of truthfulness. Truthfulness may lead the whole world of peace and happiness.

15. Suvarnabhumi

Suvarnabhumi Airport is that the fourth biggest passenger terminal building in tye world it's student in Bangkok, Thailand. It's 30 kilometres east of Bangkok. The name spring's from Sanskrit which suggests golden land. King Bhumibol Adulyadie chose the name. There are two (2) parallel runway's with 60 metres width. The length of the run way is 4000 meters and thus the opposite is 3700 meters. The airport can handle 76 flights per hour. At the present it's the capacity to handle 45 million passengers. When the development works of the phase two/going to be completed the capacity of handling the passengers will agitate to 65 million.

16. The way to Fly By A Plane

If anybody wishes to fly by a plane, first he's to gather a ticket of the airlines he'll travel. Then he's to reach the airport a minimum of two hours before the flight. Next he's to pay the travel tax, collect his boarding pass and obtain his luggage checked. Then he possesses to face the security and immigration and wait an the lounge for boarding the plane. Finally he's to urge on board the plane with the announcement of boarding.

17. A January By Plane I Have Made

I visited Jessore from Dhaka by Bangladesh Biman. I bought a ticket from Bangladesh Biman office. I received the airport about two (2) hour's before flight and got checked and waited within the lounge. I was given a boarding card on wghich the quantity of my seat was written. After sometime the departure of the flight was announced which we were asked to board the plane. I got on board and found my seat. The plane took off at 10 am. When the plane took off, I fastened my safety belt. I was given light refreshment and newspapers. I looked through the windows. I saw clouds floating in the sky. Houses and trees below looked like tiny toys. Within a very short time we reached Jessore Airport, Though the journey took 25 minutes, it give me much pleasure. Even today I bear the flight in my memory.

18. The Tha Kha Floating Market

The Tha Kha Floating Market could also be a standard market in Bangkok. It's different from normal market. During this market the setters/buyers are on boat. The sellers were mainly elderly Thai woman. Their small boats were laden with bundles of flowers, farm-fresh coconuts, fruits, vegetables, local foods and delicious sweets. The sellers displayed their goods purchasable and thus the buyers chose their pick. They might have slightly chit-chat as buying and selling was happening. Originally, the Tha Kha floating market used to sit only six or seven days a month relying on the phase of the moon. Now a days, the trade takes place on Friday. Saturdays and Sundays too. The chief buyers here are the Tha Kha natives. Only a couple of tourists go there. People seem to understand one another alright. They call one another by name.

19. Pearls

Thousands of years ago the first pearl was probably discovered at the time of search for food along the ocean shore. Pearl is extremely a valuable gem for its shining quality. There are references to pearls among religious texts and myths. The traditional Egyptians valued pearls such tons that they were buried with them. It's said that Cleopatra-the famous queen Of Egypt would melt a pearl during a glass and drink it as a sing of affection and respect for the entire nation. The Greeks thought the pearls as a sing of wealth and social position. The sweetness of pearls was associated with love and marriage. In ancient Rome, pearls were considered the simplest sings of wealth and social status . At that time the young women of noble families loved of were beautiful pearl necklaces. The brave knights wont to were them within the battles permanently luck.

20. River Gypsies

River Gypsies are an ethnos in Bangladesh. They're known bedel to local people. The gypsies have their own lifestyle and cultural. They lived in groups and do not own any land. Therefore, they live a nomadic life travelling from one place to a special. From May to December, these people sail in small country boats across our rivers or waters. These boats are their houses. In winter, many water bodies dry up. At that time they return to the mainland and life in make-shift tarpaulin tent's on upon river banks. During the monsoon, they continue to be busy with fishing. Men earn by fishing, selling herbal medicines and entertaining snake charmers. They also collect natural pearls from water. Women earn by selling bangles and cosmetics. At the present they're facing many problems. Thanks to rapid urbanisation and drying out of rivers, many of them changing their profession.

21. The Ama Woman

In some fishing villages along the coast of Japan, there are amazing groups of women mentioned as Ama. World I mean women and ladies within the sea. They are independent divers. They'll sink to depths of up to 25 feet without using oxygen tanks and other equipment. They need their own skills and therefore the breathing techniques worsen again. So, they'll hold their breath for up to three minutes. With the help of their skill they push themselves right right down to the lowest of the ocean and minutes. However, variety of those village women are becoming to the town for job. The remaining have grown old. If the youngsters don't take this profession, it'll die out very soon.

22. Wasik Farhan-Roopkotha

Six-year-old Bangladeshi boy Wasik Farhan-Rupakotha hopes to become the world's youngest computer guru. He hopes that his expertise are going to be recognized by Microsoft and Guinness Word Records. From his childhood he began to showcase his computer talent. Before he was four years old, he mastered the art of playing video games and typing Microsoft Word. His mother Cynthia Farhan-Risha has noticed a difference since her birth. She couldn't believe her eyes when he began computing as a seven month old child. He showed his talent in his grade school. So his parents took decision to show him reception. His ambition is to be a computer guru during a big computer firm in future. Then, he mixes with other boys but keeps himself always busy with computer.

23. Wheels

Wheel is one among the best inventions. The invention of wheel has brought a superb change in modern civilization. A wheel may be a circular object. It rotates its axis and helps smooth movement of things across any surface. We see the utilization of wheel everywhere. Cars, trains, planes, wagons move with the help of wheel. We'll not consider modern life without wheels. The Mesopotamians first invented the wheels in 3500 B.C. afterward the Egyptians improved the wheels further. They first made wheels on spoke. Then they used wheels on chariots around 2000 B.C. Wheels were getting used within the Indus valley by 3000 B.C. But the Indians made spoked wheels in around 1500 B.C. for using in hunting and racing. In 1500 B.C. the Greeks borrowed the thought of wheel making from the Egyptians. They improved it more. Afterward much improvement was made by the Romans.

24. An Ideal Student

The student, who is sincere in studies, good in nature, modest in behaviour, honest in thought and action, obedient to oldsters and superiors, disciplined in habit, is taken into account as a perfect student. He constantly gives much importance in acquiring knowledge and attending all the good qualities. He does his duty to God, to his parents and of society. Generally, he's sociable and hardworking and he loves his country. Similarly, he's seen to require part in games and sports also as other curricular activities. Again, he's very friendly and co-operative together with his classmates and friend. He always tries to help the weak students in learning the teachings. He shows much reference to his parents, teachers, and seniors. He is able to perform their all instructions. Similarly, he leads a strictly disciplined life and spends the very best amount of your time within the acquisition of data.

25. A Time Period

A time period is that the day when it rains all day long especially within the season. Usually the day looks very dark and gloomy. At that time, the sky is overcast with thick clouds then the sun is invisible. Sometimes it rains and sometimes torrents. People go outside with the assistance of umbrella. Thanks to heavy rainfall, there's water standing on some lower points of the road. There's a risk of falling down into the opening or the drains. Passers-by are seen walking in conjunction with shoes in hand and garments folded up. The office-goes are seen expecting the vehicles to achieve their destination.

Then a couple of people are seen on the road. The business of the town is close to halt. Students and customary people usually stay idly reception due to continuous rain. The tutorial institutions are unofficially closed thanks to the less presence of the scholars. Some enjoy the day as an unexpected holiday. The play indoor games like chess, ludu etc and take 'Muri' and 'Chanachur'. 'Vhuna Khichuri' is additionally prepared in almost every house. On today, the suffering of the labor people like rickshaw pullers, day labourers, farmers then on know on bounds. Unless they work or earn, their families are to stave. Above all, it isn't only every day of dullness and inactivity but also every day of joy and sorrow.

26. Paper

Paper is extremely thin white thing. It's the foremost useful gift of human skill. It's made from bamboo, grass, rags, clothes and wood. We write and print on paper. We keep our office records on paper. Students make their takes on paper. It's used for creating packing boxes. We can't do without it. Paper could also be of varied colours, like white, red, green, blue etc. Coloured paper is employed for adornment and fancy work. Paper plays a crucial role in modern civilization. It's very useful in our lifestyle.

27. My Childhood

My childhood was the golden period of my good life. There was no responsibility during this period of my life in the least. In my childhood I used to be free from all kinds of anxiety but study. I wont to be the second son of my parents then. I used to be dearer to them also. Indeed, I wont to be an apple of their eye. My parents fulfilled all my needs and demands. They provided me with all those thing's whatever I wanted. They bought more many things on behalf of me. One a drop of tear was enough to maneuver them pityingly. It had been really a divine period of my life. At the present, I'm a student of sophistication VII. Once I recall the happy events and people happy days of my first childhood, my mind up excitedly.

28. My Room

I am a student of sophistication seven in our local highschool. I even have a pleasant room in my home. The space face the south. It's a reasonably nice room. It's a door and two windows. So, I buy many light, fan and air in my room. I even have also a devotee in my room. There are a chair and a table in my room. I sit  the chair and keep my books and learning material on the table. I even have also an almira in my room. I keep my books in it. My room is dear to me. I always keep it neat and clean.

29. Your Pet Animal

My pet animal may be a cat. I call my pet animal 'Pussy'. It's white in colour and really fine to seem at. Its body is roofed with smooth and soft fur. Its month is round and eyes are bright. It's long tail and two short ears. It's small in size, but it's sort of a tiger. My 'Pussy' is sweet natured. It likes to eat withe me. I provides it rice, fish and meat to eat. It likes milk considerably. It likes soft places and sleeps on my bed in the dark. It makes no sound while it walks. Everybody of our house loves Pussy.

30. My Favourite Game/ Cricket

Game refers to an activity with rules in witch people or teams compete against one (1) another. It also provides many mirth and joy to the spectator's. Cricket is my favourite game. It's one among the modest games of the planet. It's played between two teams each consisting of 11 players. One team bats first while the opposite bowls. The team which does more run's becomes the winner. The sport is conducted by two umpires and followed by certain rules and regulations.

It makes people obedient to rules, respectful to masters and therefore the leader, brotherhood among the players, tolerant in everything, patience in need, intelligence in crisis then on. It not only produces much pleasures but also develops the connection among the players, countries and spectators. It's a singular game of getting merriment and learning things. It's also a medium of earning to money. Players, organizers, TV companies and even producers earn tons from it. Beside, it's an excellent source of recreation. Considering of these , it's my most favourite game.

Writing Paragraphs From Simple Instructions

  1. The Way To Make A Garden
  2. The Way To Make A Cup of Tea
  3. The Thanks To Observe A Birthda
  4. The Thank To Arrange A Picnic
  5. The Thanks To Write Answers In The Answer Scripts
  6. The Way To Keep Fit
  7. The Way To Do Well In The Examination
  8. The Way To Flt By A Plane
  9. The Way To Learn English well

1. The Way to Make A Garden

Your younger brother doesn't know gardening. Write a paragraph telling him the thanks to make a garden. You'll use the next key words: First, then, next, then and finally.

My younger brother who in in class ix is extremely interested but he doesn't skills to make a garden. He sought my help and accordingly I suggested him the thanks to do this. First he's to select an appropriate piece of land preferably before the house. Then he's to spade, loose and level the soil. Next he will fence the land nothing can damage it. Then he'll sow the seeds of various followers of various seasons and plant many sorts of followers. Finally he should add the garden within the morning and evening daily. He should water, manure and comb out the garden. He should also use insecticide if there's any attack of insects.

2. The Way to Make A Cup of Tea

Your younger sister doesn't skills to make a cup of tea. Write a paragraph telling him the thanks to make a cup of tea. You'll use the subsequent key words.

Key Words: First, then, next, then , finally.

I'm surprised to know that my younger sister who could also be a student of sophistication x doesn't skills to make a cup of tea. I called her and taught her that a cup of tea is prepared during this manner. First she's to put one and a half cup of water into a kettle. Then she's going to put the kettle over a stove untill the water has boiled. Next she has got to put two tea spoonfuls of tea leaves into the water. Then the kettle should be faraway from the oven after the water turns red. Finally she goes to pour the liquor into a cup through a strainer. He'll mix some sugar and milk with alcohol and stir until the sugar dissolves. But just just in case of lemon tea she possesses to feature some juice in stead of milk.

3. The Thanks to Observe A Birthday

Key Words: First, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, finally.

If anyone wishes to observe his birthday, he's to undertake to to the present stuff . First he's to ask his relatives and friends. Secondly he's to decorate his house nicely. He also will placed on his new dress. Thirdly he'll arrange a cake. Fourthly after the arrival of the invited guests, he will light the candles, cut the cake within the center of the song "Happy birthday to you" and serve the prepared delicious food to them. After the meal a quick cultural programme is arranged. Eventually the guests left that day with many happy wishes.

4. The thanks to Arrange A Picnic

Key Words: First, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, finally.

If a gaggle of people want to travel on a picnic, they're to undertake to to the present stuff. First, they're to form a committee, choose a picnic spot and fix a date. Secondly the committee are getting to be divided into some groups to undertake to differing types of things like fund raising, purchasing food items, hiring transports, cooking, arranging game, cultural programme etc. Thirdly the committee will fix the number of subscription through discussion. The members of the fundraising committee will collect contributions from all members within the maturity. Fourth, the purchasing group will complete the acquisition of all items, and other groups will perform their assigned duties. Finally they go to start out for his/her picnic spot on the fixed day from a neighborhood fixed before.

5. The thanks to Write Answer within The Solution Scripts

Key Words: First, then, next, then , finally.

My younger brother is an S.S.C. candidate. He wants to know the thanks to write answer of the questions well within the solution script. I gave him some suggestion. You should read his commonly asked Questions and tick these questions for answers that he knows well. Then he should select those questions during which he didn't take well. Next he should answer the question's one by one according to his choice. He should even be very careful of your time and his hand writing. Then he'll revise the answers whether he has forget to write down any major point/done any kind of mistake. Finally before submitting the scripts he should check the solution script whether he has written the amount of the questions properly.

6. The Way to Keep Fit

Key Words: Initially , then , then, next, finally.

In order to stay fit initially we must adhere to some rules of health. we should always drink many water. The kidneys are the body's filter. They can't work efficiently without sufficient water. Then we should always remain neat and clean. Then we should always always attend bed early and rise early. Next we should always take workout regularly. It help's our muscles and nerves to work properly. It helps us to breath more deeply and acquire more air into our lunge. It also help's the blood to travel everywhere the body and stop constipation. Finally we should always always have many rest and sleep. By following the above rules we will keep fit.

7. The Way to Had Best Within The Examination

Every student wants to try to to better within the exam. But it not a simple work. A student is to try to something to try to to better within the exam. For to try to to so first he has got to study regularly. From the start he should be very serious and sincere to his studies. Regular works right from the beginning will make him thorough. Then he shouldn't neglect his studies. Then he shouldn't memorize the answers without understanding. Next he shouldn't learn answers by role taking them from a standard source. Then he should plan to understand what he reads, make his own notes and revise them frequently. Finally he should've a fairly good command of the language. Sometimes he may find unexpected questions. He's to answer them off hand. But it's difficult to write down good answer without preparation if his language is poor. By doing of these things a student can had best within the examination.

8. The Way to Fly By A Plane

Key Words: First, then, next, then and finally.

If anybody wishes to fly by a plane, first he's to gather a ticket of the airlines he will travel. Then he's to reach the airport a minimum of two hours before the flight. Next he's to pay the travel tax, collect his boarding pass and obtain his luggage checked. Then he possesses to face the security and immigration and wait within the lounge for boarding the plane. Finally he's to urge on board the plane with the announcement of boarding.

9. The Way to Learn English Well

Key Words: First, then, next, then, eventually.

To learn English well, one possesses to follow several procedures. First he's to be determined to find out it. Then he has got to acquire the four skill's of English namely reading, writing, listening and speaking. Especially he must hear English news to develop listening skill. Conversation with others will help him develop his speaking skill. Next, he has got to understand what he reads and writes. For this, huge vocabulary and grammatical knowledge are a requirement. He possesses to read different books and write of various things in English regularly. He can learn English vocabulary by watching various English movies, programs, news etc. Then he has got to take care about what he's reading or writing. Family, he's to be in-tuned with of these skills in practical sense. In fact, to seek out out English well, he possesses to follow the all inclusive steps with fervent determination.

Paragraph by Answering Questions

  1. Traffic Jam
  2. A Winter Morning
  3. A Faculty Magazine
  4. A Tea Stall
  5. A Street Hawker
  6. Load Shedding
  7. Early Rising
  8. Your Aim In Life
  9. A Moonlit Night
  10. Pollution
  11. A Book Fair
  12. Morality Shop
  13. Helen Keller
  14. A Homemaker 
  15. A Road Accident 
  16. Drug Addiction 
  17. My Best Friend
  18. My Breakfast Habit

1. Traffic Jam

  • What is traffic jam?
  • What is the effect of traffic jam?
  • Why is holdup a superb problems to us?
  • How can we get obviate this problem?
  • What are the responsibilities of the govt. to unravel this problem?

When too many vehicles try to move along a narrow street at time and they create traffic jam. It means an extended line of vehicles stranded on the road. There are several causes behind holdup. Firstly, many drivers awre not aware of the principles and regulations of driving and much of others aren't willing to abide by traffic rules. The vehicles of varied velocities ply on the some road and it slows down the movement of vehicles. Reckless driving and illegal parking sometimes cause holdup. Besides, our cities don't have spacious and sufficient roads. The rickshaws block an extended area of cities and make disturbance for the running vehicles. The results of holdup are very serious. Office going people fail to achieve their working places in time. It hampers paperwork or production. Students often can't attend their classes in time and thus it hampers their academic progress. But the foremost tragic impact of holdup is that ambulances carrying critical patients cannot reach the hospitals or clinics timely. Events sometimes die on the way without patient treatment. But taking some action can solve this problem. Government should create strict rules for the drivers to follow, people generally should remember of the principles of traffic to urge safety from holdup.

2. A Winter Morning

  • What is a winter morning?
  • Are the falls lit up at night?
  • What do people feel on a winter morning?
  • What can one enjoy during a winter morning?
  • Why is it a cures to the poor?

A winter morning is foggy and cold. It dews almost a day. The fog doesn't disappear until the sun rises. Sometimes, the sun doesn't rise for three or four days. Then fog gets so deep that we cannot see anything even at a touch distance. Dew drops fall on leaves and grass within the dark. Sunrise fall thereon within in the morning and it glitters like pearl. It's really worth seeing. Winter morning is unpleasant for the poor, but pleasant for the rich. The suffering of the poor know not bound. They need no warm clothes. They shiver in bitting cold. They gather day straw and leaves to make fire to worm themselves. Event many aged people die from coldness. However, winter morning is enjoyable to the rich. The rich wear warm clothes. Even they're going to get up from bed late and if they have. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, buns and date juice and much of other things. Altogether respects, though a winter morning is enjoyable for the rich, it brings distress for the poor. A winter morning creates a clear beauty in nature, which lasts all day.

3. A Faculty Magazine

  • What does varsity mean?
  • How is that the magazine conducted?
  • What are the best topics for school magazine?
  • How does the publishing process work?
  • What's the importance of the varsity magazine?

A school magazine is an annual publication of the varsity. It contains the literary writings of the scholars and therefore the teachers. It helps the students to develop the latent of the students. It develop the writing skill of a student which is extremely helpful in academic excellence. A faculty magazine generally contains poems, short stories, verses jokes, riddles, and photos of the cultural activities of the varsity. It's conducted by a magazine committee. The magazine committee consists of members from the teachers and thus the scholars. The interested teachers and students submit poems, short stories, one-act plays, riddles and songs etc. The committee selects the simplest ones. These are edited and sent to the press. When the new writers see their writings within the magazine and they become happy. In fact, a faculty magazine is that the window to develop the creativity of the teachers and therefore the students.

4. A Tea Stall

  • Where may be a tea stall found?
  • How is it furnished?
  • What's the most sold item in the world?
  • Someone who sells tea?
  • Where does the manager sit and what's his function?
  • What's the condition of a tea stall?
  • How long does tea stall remain open?
  • What do the purchasers neutralize the tea stall?

A tea stall could also be a favourite haunt for all classes of people. It's a standard sight in towns and villages. We generally find a tea stall during a crowded places. The shopkeeper sits on a chouki and beside a table. There are some shelves within the stall. The shopkeeper keeps biscuit, buns, bananas and snacks within the shelves. Besides these, there are bunches of bananas. There are benches inside and before the stall. There is always a kettle on the stove and water boils all the time. The cups are kept nearby a table. There is also a water bowl for laundry the cups. At present there is a penny of pure water and one glass of water is sold for money. It's noted because most classes if people come here and gossip while taking tea. They discuss different affair especially government and politics. There's sometimes a storm during a tea cup. However, a tea stalk remains busy with all types of individuals from morning to nighttime.

5. A Street Hawker

  • Who may be a street hawker?
  • What quite dress does he/ she put on?
  • How does he/ she attract the people?
  • What quite sound does he/ she make?
  • Who could be a street hawker?

A street hawker is she who sells his product on the street. A street hawker leads a lifetime of distress. She comes out of her basket in the morning. She carries his goods within the hand cart/ in a basket. She walks along the road within the residential district. She sells utensils, kitchen goods, cosmetics and kinck-knacks for youngsters and therefore the homemakers. She buys his goods at an inexpensive rate but demands high price. To women a street hawker is favourable. When the male members aren't reception, he/ she enters the residential district. She takes this chance in order that he can sell his goods at a better rate. Nowadays, street hawkers of the town sell vegetables, fishes and fowls too. She moves about different areas all day long but can't sell enough. As a result, he/ she can earn little. She can't maintain his family with this tiny income. In fact, his life is formed from sufferings, hard labour and need etc.

6. Load-Shedding

  • What does load shedding mean?
  • What problems does it create?
  • How does it affect the students?
  • When did humans get electricity?
  • How can we stop using electricity?

Nowadays, load shedding has become a common occurrence in our country. Load-shedding means the shortage of the availability of electricities for the nonce. It happens when the assembly of power is a smaller amount than the demand. The concerned authority stops the flow of electricity to some areas for a few to manage the shortage of power generation. Load-shedding is nearly a daily occurrence in cities, towns, suburbs and villages. There's hardly any area, which isn't suffering from it. Ships, factories, hospitals etc are all suffering from it. Industries and mills are paralyzed and production is hampered. Even, operation stops in hospitals for load-shedding. Students cannot study, and so, they close their books and sit idle darkly. This couldn't be allowed to continue. The entire country is sure to collapse if this condition is not improved. The govt is to require necessary step to see it as early as possible. Accrodingly, the govt should found out more power station's within the country. Corruptions during this sector must be controlled with an iron hand.

7. Early Rising

  • What does early rising mean?
  • What's a proverb about early rising?
  • What are the facilities of it?
  • How important is it or how important it is?
  • How can we make our life sound?

Early rising may be a excellent habit, which refers to getting up early within the morning before the sun. There's a proverb, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a men healthy, wealthy and wise." 

In fact, one who rises early gets enough time to require workout or enter the fresh, cool breeze and may be healthy. One gets sufficient time to figure during morning hours. It also helps one to become rich and wise. It's considerably helpful for anyone to stay his health sound. Many of us do not understand its importance. So, they waste their time in vain. They rise up late within the morning. It weakens their muscles and makes them feel uncomfortable all day. They can't prepare themselves for the entire day. And, their inattentive mind hampers their daily works. All the religions emphasise on early rising. So, we should always practise get up early in the morning to form our life sound also as fit better future.

8. Your Aim In Life

  • Why it is important to have an aim in life?
  • What is your aim in life?
  • Why do your liked the profession?
  • What is your decide to get success?

Every man should have an aim in life. People without purpose are like a ship without a driver. A hard and fast aim helps a person success in life. Aim varies from person to person. Some want to be high officials, some scholar and poets etc. My aim in life is to be a doctor the rationale of my being a doctor is that the majority of the people of our village are poor and illiterate. Good doctors aren't available in villages. So that they suffer from various diseases and die prematurely. Observing their sufferings, my hearts filled with deep grief. I can't to legate this miserable condition. For this I am preparing myself from now and reading biology book properly. So that I can be admitted to the Medical Collage for MBBS. Since we all know that success depends mainly on the right choice, I made the easy decision by adjusting myself to it. I wish I'll be able to fulfill my dream.

9. A Moonlit Night

  • What is the best synonym for charming?
  • Its pleasures
  • It's joy
  • A wonder of nature
  • Its influence on poets and thinking

A moonlit night is extremely charming. Tender is that the night. It's pleasures. It makes all men, women, children, birds, animals and beats happy. It feeds our eyes and gives us a lot of joy in our minds. We enjoy the night considerably it's sort of a day. We'll move about from house to deal with. Boys play within the open fields. So, a moon-lit night may be a wonder of nature. It's special influence on poets and thinkers. They get the prospect of writing poems, story's and articles during a moon-lit night. Even the folk become poets and singers. They desire refuting poems and singing songs. The water of the river at a moonlit night seems very charming. The huge sheet of water looks like a huge silver plate. If there is a slight wave, the water shines like a diamond. In all, the whole word takes the form of a dream.

10. Pollution

  • What is the meaning of pollution?
  • Why is water pollution a threat?
  • How does water get polluted?
  • Does polluted water carry a disease anywhere for men?
  • What's the worth of water pollution?

Water pollution refers to the pollution of water around us for various reasons. Pollution may be a threat to life. Men and animals cannot live healthy lives by using polluted water. Water is polluted in various ways. With the event of industries, great deal of commercial and municipal wastes are discharged into rivers, likes/loves and canals. Fertilizers and insecticides are utilized in the fields by the farmer's. Rain and flood wash these chemicals and mix them with rivers, canals and pond water. Tons of latrines are built on the bank of the rivers and canals. variety of 'kutcha' drains carrying human wastes and filth run into rivers and canals. Water vehicles throw garbage and body waste into rivers. Thus water gets polluted with toxic chemicals and several wastes. It leads to the death of marine lives. Even once we drink contaminated water, we suffer from water-borne diseases. In fact, the cost of pollution is the death of mankind.

11. A Book Fair

  • What is a book fair?
  • Where was the fair held in the lost child?
  • Why did you go there?
  • What did you see there?
  • What're your feelings about the book fair?

A book fair may be a quite fair where book's are displayed and sold. Within the recent year's book fair has become a standard festival in our country. I went to visit Bangla Academy's book fair last February. It's the most important and most gorgeous book fair within the country. I visited the fair with my parents. there have been thousands of tourists coming to and going out of the fair. There have been tons of rows of bookstalls. Every stall was beautifully decorated. The courtyard of the Bangla Academy took a festive look. Visitors were moving from one (1) row to a different. There have been hundreds and thousands of books within the stalls. People were trying to find their favourite books. However, we visited a lot of stalls and bought a variety of books. Books include story books, science fiction and autobiography. My father is particularly interested in autobiographies and my father recommends reading these books. We got a golden opportunity to satisfy some great writer's of our country. Eventually we finished our visit to the fair but come home with a permanent impression of the fair in my mind.

12. Morality Shop

  • What is morality shop?
  • What are the features of online shopping?
  • How was the worth shown?
  • Why can't people do wrong here?
  • How does a morality shop help us mould our character?

A morality shop may be a new kind if shop. The concept and them of the shop is new the people of our country. There's no shopkeeper during a morality shop. This is often the unique a part of this shop. The price of each item and item is going to be written at the exclusive price of the paper. The price tag is about attaching items and items. Choose any item as a choice. He'll examine the price tag and place the cash in the box. This is often the method of buying a product from an ethics shop. There could be an opportunity of stealing but it's expected that folks won't steal. It's believed that conscience will prevent them from stealing. If someone steals, his/her conscience will tell him/her that stealing may be a bad thing. It'll prick and trouble him/her and he/she will never have his/her peace of mind. So, people will attempt to be clean and to not do a wrong thing. Thus, a morality shop will help us have a transparent conscience and peace of mind us well.

13. Helen Keller

  • When and where was Hellen Keller born? 
  • When did Helen Keller die?
  • How did he become blind, deaf and dumb?
  • Who helped her to communicate?
  • How did achieve her education?
  • What did she do for the disabled people?

Helen Keller was a great humanitarian. She was born in 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. She become blind, deaf and dumb at the age of two after suffering from a high fever. On Graham Bell's advice, her father went to the director of Perkins School for the blind in Boston. A student named Annie Sullivan was sent from that school to help Helen to communicate. Helen started her formal education in 1890 at the Horace Mann School for the deaf. Though she was disable, she had an indomitable desire to acquire knowledge. She learn reading through Braille, and also learn how to type. Annie always sat beside her in the class, and explained her all the lectures and texts. Finally, Helen recovered BA degree from Radcliff College in 1904. Helen deeply cared for the sick and injured people. As a disabled person, she had her own experience. A disabled person can't use some parts of their body like normal people. So, they face various obstacles in their life. Knowing this well, Helen took step for making learning easier for disabled people. She continued to work for then them till her death. This great woman died in 1968.

14. A Homemaker

  • Who is a homemaker?  
  • What are the functions of a homemaker? 
  • How does a homemaker manage the activities of the family? 
  • How much is a homemaker important for the family?

A homemaker is a person who takes full care of the home. In our country, generally the wife or the mother plays the role of a homemaker. A homemaker plays a very important role in our lives. She is in charge of cooking, cleaning and decorating the house. Even, if she does not do it herself, she keeps a keen eye on every work done at home. Whether the clothes are washed, whether the food is cooked/ the house is clean - she maintains everything by herself. Maintaining the household budget is another responsibility of a homemaker. Apart from the household chores, she takes care of her family. She's always anxious about whether her children are fine and studying properly. As a helping hand, sometimes she finds her husband also taking care of the house. In that case, life becomes easier for her. Nowadays, men also take care of the house because noth men and woman remain busy working outside home. So, they both act as homemaker to keep the family happy and stick together.

15. A Road Accident

  • What is a road accident?
  • Where do the road accidents generally happen?
  • What are main causes of accidents?
  • What do people lose in the accident?
  • What is the solution to every problem?

When a vehicle generally collides with another while playing on road is called a road accident. In a densely populated country like Bangladesh road accidents are the most common daily occurrences. It's increasing by leaps and bounds day by day in pur country. Everyone can see the news of accidents in the daily newspapers and TV narrow, zigzag and uneven roads are the major causes of accidents. Careless driving is also responsible for many accidents. The careless drives often drive their vehicles carelessly avoiding traffic rules and regulations. Road accidents often carry away a lot of valuable lives. It may cause a lot of tears to anybody. It's high time we took necessary steps to avoid such accidents. Both the drivers and the passers-by should follow the traffic rules in order to avoid road accident. They should bear in mind that life is more valuable than time.

16. Drug Addiction

  • What is called drug addiction?
  • From where it comes?
  • What are the effects of drug addiction?
  • How can we control it?

Drug Addiction is one of the serious problem of the present times. The narcotics like heroin, hashish and brown sugar are commonly called drugs and young men and women either called drugs and orally or inhale their smoke Sociologist thought that drug addiction comes from western countries. There are many caves of drug addiction. These are several family problems, the lack of love and affection, sometimes the pressure of addicted friends tempts the youth to become an addict. Drug addicts must be treated with love and kindnesses drug damage the nervous system tremendously and shatter the mental make up of aids. Sometime it causes death. Our society should take strong measures to control the dishonest businessman and drug traffickens. There are drug control laws all over the world but the drug addiction is slowly increasing.

17. My Best Friend 

  • Who is your best friend?  
  • How does she behave with his/her classmates?
  • How does he behave with others?
  • Why do you like him?
  • What have you learn from him/her?

I have a lot of friends. I'm very much found of them. Of them Tahsan is my best friend. He is also my classmate and most brilliant student of the class. He's polite by nature. He behaves politely with his classmates. He deeply feels for the work students if the class. His behaviour with others is praiseworthy. He respects his teachers and superiors. He's open-minded and never speaks ill of others. I like him most for his gentility and co-operative mood. I've learnt many important things from him. I've learnt how to keep fit and prepare lessons swiftly from him. Without these I've learnt the value of time, co-operation, truthfulness and punctuality from him. All in all, he's a blessing to me and I'm so happy and proud to have such a best friend.

18. My Breakfast Habit

  • What is your favourite meal?
  • What do you usually have for a breakfast?
  • What is your favourite drink?
  • What foods don't you like?
  • Why is it important to take breakfast?

Breakfast is my very favourite meal. I take my breakfast at 7 o'clock in the morning. Everyday I usually have milk, cereal and banana with a mug of tea for my breakfast. Sometimes I take bread and butter/egg fry. I don't like to eat rice or any heavy food for my breakfast. I take drink in my breakfast. My favourite drink is apple juice. Sometime I avoid breakfast. I avoid it on weekends or when I don't feel hungry. I take breakfast as it helps me get energy to start the day.

Paragraph for Kids Definition

Paragraphs for kids are a self-contained unit of conversation when writing a few specific topics or ideas. The paragraph contains one (1) or more sentences. 

Although not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs for kids are usually a part of formal composition, accustomed to picking long prose.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a paragraph?

: A paragraph is a section of writing that combines one or more sentences, dealing with a subject or the whole writing element.

Paragraphs provide a structure to a part of the text and make it easier to read, instead of a large part of the text without gaps.

How are paragraphs used?

: New paragraphs are started by leaving a space and moving to the next line or by creating an indent (the text begins partially on the line).

Fictional texts often use paragraphs to show the progress of time or if the perspective shifts to another character.

Elementary school texts will typically use five-paragraph syntax.
  • The first paragraph introduces.
  • The second, third and fourth paragraphs provide points and information on a subject.
  • Conclusion of the fifth paragraph.

What does a good paragraph look like?

: This is often helpful to see an explanation in practice. For paragraph writing, it gives the reader the opportunity to see P.E.E, conversion words, subject change, and short text in practice. Here are two paragraphs ... The first lacks many elements that make up a good paragraph and the second fixes them. Which one do you find easier to read?

When to start a new paragraph?

: At the time of writing, a new paragraph should be started to show that the focus of the previous paragraph has changed. This may be because the subject, person, place, time or concept has changed.

For kids, knowing when to start a new paragraph is a complex concept and can be difficult to learn. There are rules, and then there are explanations and exceptions. To keep things simple, we've put together a few guidelines to help you and your students understand when, to start a new paragraph.

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