
Monday, September 21, 2020

How to Write an Informal Letters in English- 2021

How to Write an Informal Letters in English

Write an informal letter to your friends or family members. You can use the information on this page to teach children how to write informal letters and use resources and ideas to keep them interested.

Writing an informal letters in English

In this article, you will learn how to write an informal letter in English using sample opening and concluding sentences and a sample letter. When you finish the job, you will learn how to format correct address, date and signature of an informal letter, as well as what to write between your greeting and signature.

Communication skills are one of the many things that make us special. So, that's why today we want to share with you the tools of how to write an informal letter. Before writing a letter we get a brief idea about the history of letter writing.

What Is An Informal Letter?

An informal letter is a letter that you write to someone you know, for example a friend or familys members.

These are written in a style that is more friendly and familiar than a formal letter that follows strict rules about layout and style.

Informal characters become more flexible and can take different forms when following these rules.

Writing an Informal Letters

Writing an informal letters

Not only are people talking (in multiple languages), we are involved in non-verbal communication with gestures and expressions, but more importantly, what sets us apart is our writing skills. Writing and reading are an integral part of our daily lives. In the first few years of a person's life, they become as normal as breathing.

People have started writing in different forms like scripts, novels, poems and messages. Messages have become a necessary and advanced method of communication between people. The first handwritten letter was written by the Persian queen Atosa in 500 BC.

Since then, the communications industry has paved the way for path-breaking innovations that enable rapid acceleration. As a result of emails, text messages and even video calling, many people think that the habit of writing letters has improved. But, is there?

Why did our ancestors first start writing letters?

Post box informal letters

Letters have been around since before our common age, and they influenced long-distance communication until the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in the late 19th century.

Despite this great success, the telephone has gone through multiple changes and only became a household item in the late twentieth century. Letters have become a valuable source of uncovered history.

And historians have used recovered letters to understand the political relationship between the state and the state; In learning about imperfect scientific inventions and discoveries, etc, they certainly help us to understand how our cultures and languages ​​have evolved and grown.

Writing Informal Letters in English

Formal letters are written with professional skill

Letters have always been classified into two main categories-formal letters and informal letters. Formal letters are written with professional skill. These are composed for very specific purposes. These are also smaller in points and follow a set format or structure. On the other hand, informal letters are written for personal reasons.

These are designed for people who know very well. Thus, they tend to be longer and more detailed. They can cover multiple topics and their format is not very strict. Informal correspondence shows that any person has taken the time and effort to communicate.

They allow writers to be creative, any format that suits them best, and across images, Photographs, or anything written is relevant.

How to Write an Informal Letter?

How to Write an Informal Letter

1) Who and Purpose
These two points are like two sides of the same coin. Remember that these letters are personal and written to someone you know well. You need to think, 'Why?' Think a little about these questions before you start writing.

2) Language
Here, you have the freedom to use a lingo that is known to both parties. Bilingual words, spelling changes and abbreviations are also allowed. If you are not writing an informal letter for the test, do not insist on strict grammar rules or techniques. What is the importance of emotion in writing informal letters rather than language! Which brings us to the third point.

3) Emotions
Writing an official letter has more emotional value than a formal letter. It is the combination of the content and unique nature of these characters that makes them emotional. Even if the purpose of your letter is to truly remember the events, be sure to add emotion to it.

Get to know the person how a particular event made you feel For example: If you are writing a letter to greet your brother for protection, talk about the celebrations of previous years and remember the events that evoke happy memories for you.

4) Edit Your Work
Editing helps keep the tone of your letter authentic and casual. However, do not finish editing. Try not to make it too annoying and focus on the points you want to cover. You can create a mental checklist and use it to cover all the points. Use loving action, anecdotes and real life events to keep your writing exciting and engaging!

Here are Some Examples Informal Letters

Informal letters in English with examples

1. Suppose, you're Ratan. Your father who is in Dhaka wants to know about your preparation for the Junior School Certificate Examination. Now, write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation for the Junior School Certificate Examination.

Noyapolton, Dhaka.                                            20th January 2021

Dear Father,
Very first of the letter accept my salam and cordial love. Hope that you're well by Allah's mercy. I'm also fine. In your last letter you've wanted to know about my preparation for the Junior School Certificate Examination. You know that our exam is going to be held in December this year. For the preparation of this exam. I took help our English and Mathematics teacher. They have helped me greatly and very sincerely. I've revised all books thoroughly and practised the sums again and again. I've also learnt and practised Bangla. Social Science and General Science very well. Now I'm fully prepared for this coming exam.

No more today. With best regards to your and mother and love Reme. Please inform all to pray for my success.

Your Loving son 

2. Write a letter to one of your teachers expressing you gratitude for his encouragement before your examination.

Room # 101
Collgiate School Hostel
17th July 2021

Dear Sir,
I'm very sorry that I couldn't write to your earlier. I'm now a 2nd year student of Dhaka medical college. The credit of my success goes to you. I would have never been here, if you had not encouraged me before my exam. 

I always remember the support you extended in those days. I'm really grateful to you. I shall be very happy if you write a few words for me. Your words always inspire me.

Your Loving Student

3. Write a letter to a friend inviting him to a book fire.

153/2 Distillery Road.
Date: 28.03.2021

Dear Siam,
You know that the "Ekushey Boi Mela" is going to start on 1st February. I shall be very happy if you come to Dhaka and stay with us for a few days so that we can visit the fair every afternoon. I assure that we will enjoy it. How are you parents? My parents are in good health. They have asked me to invite you. In fact they're expecting you during that fair. 

Please let me know when you're arriving. I look froward to hearing from you soon.

Your Loving Friend

4. You've to buy some new books. You need some money from your father. Now, write a letter to your father asking some money from him.

Room no - 201
Chandina Pilot School Hostel.
Date: 4th January, 2021

My Dear Father,
At first take my salam. I hope you're all well by the grace of almighty Allah. I'm very glad to received your letter. You'll be very glad to know that I've stood first in the final examination and is promoted to class nine. Now, I've to buy some books for the new class. Our classes will begin very soon. For purchasing the books I need taka 550/ immediately. So please send the requisite money as early as possible.

No more today. With best regard to mother and love to the younger brother and sisters.

Your Loving Son

5. Suppose, you're Rahim/ Rahima and you're staying in the hostel of Model School. Now, write  a letter to your mother about your illness.

Model School, Dhaka.
Date: 12.08.2021

My Dear Mother,
At first take my salam. I hope that you're all well by the grace of almighty Allah. You'll be sad to know that I've suddenly caught cold. I've called in a doctor. He advised me to take some medicine as per his prescription. My test examination is knocking at the doctor. This physical condition hampers my study greatly. So, I've to buy the medicine prescription by the doctor as early as possible. I need some money for this purpose. 

With best regards to you and father. Please pray for my early recovery so that I can concentrate on study with full spirit.

Your Loving Son/ Daughter
Rahim/ Rahima

6. Suppose, your sister's marriage ceremony comes off next month. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him/ her to attend the marriage ceremony.

Kishorgonj, New Road.
25th, May 2021

Dear Jahid,
I've not heard about you for a long. I hope that you're all well by the grace of almighty Allah. You will be very glad to know that the marriage ceremony of my elder sister comes off on the 20th June, 20...... It will be solemnised at our residence. 

Some of my other friends are going to attend the event. My parents also have high hopes for you in this joyous occasion. I hope you'll attend the event and help us make it a success. I can't think of  this joyous occasion without your presence. So, I would request you to come to our house at least three days in advance. We all will have a very nice time if you join us. Please don't disappoint me. I'm eagerly waiting for your arrival. 

With best regards to your parents and love to your younger brothers and sisters.

Yours Ever

7. Imagine your summer vacation will start soon. Now, write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to spend the vacation with you at your home.

College Road, 10
Date 17th May, 2021

Dear Munmun,
I hope you're well. Our school had been closed for summer vacation. It will open after a month. I think your school is also closed. So, I request you to visit our village home in this time. If you come our days will be really happy. The whole day we will wonder around our village together. We will pluck ripe mangoes and swim in the river water. I think city life makes you bore. If you come we will pass our time together enjoying the green beauties of our village. This will make your mind fresh and give you immense pleasure. In the moonlight night we will gossip and sing under the open sky. If you don't come, all my plans will be meaningless. Please don't disappoint me.

No more today. Tender my salam to your parents and love to your younger brother and sisters.

Yours Ever

8. Suppose, you've lost your Grammar Book recently. Now, write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you a book which you lost recently.

Monipur, Road no.10
Date: 12.04.2021

Dear X,
My love to you. Hope you're well by the grace of Almighty God. Our second examination will begin on 1st August, 2021 Yesterday I lost my Academic learner's communicative English Grammar. At present I'm not in a position to buy a new book as my purse didn't support me to do so. Will you kindly lend me the some book for a week. I hope to meet you by tomorrow at your hostel between 4 p.m to 5 p.m. 

No more today. More when to meet.    Please, wait for me. 

Yours Ever

9. Suppose, you've decided the aim of your life. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him what you want to be in future.

Madaripur, Road no. 2
Date: 30th April, 2021

Dear Friend,
I received your letter yesterday. Thank you very much for your letter. You wanted to know what I would like to be in future. My aim of life is to be a good teacher. After passing the S.S.C examination I shall get myself admitted into H.S.C class. So, after I hope to get admitted to a college/ university for graduation and master degree. Then I shall join the college. This country needs good teacher. I hope that you'll appreciate my decision. 

No more today. I'm very well. Pay my best respect to your parents and love to younger.

Your Loving Friend

10. Suppose, your final examination is over. Now, write a letter to your friend telling about what you want to do after your examination.

Sirajgonj, Road no.12
19th November, 2021

Dear Friend,
I received your letter yesterday. Our final exam is over. I've done fairly well in the examination. I hope I shall do well in the examination. In your letter you have wanted to know about what I wish to do after my examination. I'm quite free now. You know most of the people of our village are illiterate. They don't know how to read and write. So, I've decided to start a night school in our village. I shall teach them necessary primary education. Some of my friends in the village have assured me to help in my programme. Without removing illiterate totally no development process can be fulfilled. Illiteracy is the chief impediment on the way of progress. So, I've determined to remove the curse from our society.

No more today. More when to meet.

Yours Ever

11. Suppose, your have a friend named Keyam. He wanted to know about the importance of tree plantation. Now, write a letter to your friend about the plantation of trees.

Dhaka, Road no.12
9th July, 2021

Dear Keyam,
Your letter is on my hand. I hope you are all well. You wanted to know about the importance of tree plantation. Remember trees are our best friend. They supply us Oxygen. Without Oxygen life is impossible. They supply us various kinds of fruits and thus the help us to get vitamin and minerals which are essential of our physical growth. They maintain the ecological balance and also prevents the decay of the soil. They also cause rainfall which is beneficial for our agricultural crops. But at present trees are uprooted indiscriminately. This cause a great harm to our environment. If the present rate of deforestation continues our country will turn into a desert immediately. 

So, all of us should plant more trees in the barren field to build a beautiful world for our next generation.

No more today. Best wishes to you all.

Your Loving Friend


So, the next time you want to connect with your loved one, try this traditional way of expressing yourself. Writing informal letters can be both fun and emotional at the same time. Just imagine writing a letter to your friend and getting back from them. And then, it goes!

And if you are a student and want to practice how to write informal letters, you can find many informal letter writing topics on the net. You can share them with us in the comments section below.

FAQ’s on Informal Letter

Question 1. What is an Informal Letter?

Answer: An informal letter is a personal letter that we usually use to write to our friends, family or relatives. These letters are private letters, not used for official purposes. There may be many reasons why we write these letters to our family and friends.

Question 2. What are The Topics of The Informal Letter?

  • Inviting a friend to a birthday party
  • Call a friend for a trip or vacation
  • Apologize for the mistakes you have made or apologize to someone
  • Congratulating a friend on his or her success or achievement
  • Written just to wish a person well
  • Wedding invitation
  • Asking someone for help
  • Inform about the death of someone in the family or friends

Question 3. How to Write an Informal Letter?

Answer: Below is the format of an informal letter:
  • Start with your address
  • Specify the current date
  • Salutation/ Greeting like Dear (Person Name)
  • Ask for the person’s well-being in the first paragraph of the body.
  • Write the reason for writing the letter in the next paragraph
  • Then write the conclusion
Close the letter with your name, such as:
  • You’re lovingly
  • With love
  • Lots of love

Question 4. How to Start an iLInformal Letter?

Answer: You can start the letter by greeting the person first, such as Hi/ Hey/ Hello/ Dear (person's name). Then ask if he/ she is doing well.

Question 5. What are The Types of Letters?

Answer: There are usually three types of letters.
  1. Formal Letter
  2. Informal Letter
  3. Semi-formal letter

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