
Sunday, November 28, 2021

What Are Finite And Non-finite Verb? | With Examples

What Are Finite And Non-finite Verb With Examples?

There are mainly two (2) kinds of verbs in English– finite and non-finite. When the number of subjects or persons changes, finite actions change their form. There are also different forms of finite verbs in different tenses.

Non-finite verbs do not change their form when the number of subjects or persons changes. There are three main types of non-finite verbs: infinite, gerand and participle.

Can you identify finite and non-finite verbs? So, test your understanding through this grammar practice.

What Are Finite Verb?

A finite verbs is a verb that has a subject and indicates a grammatical tense, person and number. These verbs describe the actions of a person, thing, or place in a sentence. Unlike other types of verbs, finite verbs do not require other verbs in the sentence to be grammatically correct.

Examples of Finite Verb

  • I have planned the test now.
  • Mary had planned it another way.
  • The sinking ship floated in the sea.
  • Michael had planned it differently.
  • The outfielder jumped for baseball.
  • But Jerry is not listening to his bluffs.
  • I don’t want to ruin this plan this time.
  • They went to the shopping mall today.
  • The big sailboat glides over the water.
  • Smith is persuading her to go with him.
  • The Royal Bengal is the king of the jungle.
  • Many people travel to the sea in summer.
  • We all dreamed of many things together.
  • Leave me a message if you can’t find me.
  • Now Alex is convincing her to go with him.
  • The water level in Canda is rising day by day.
  • When he came home I gave him some juice.
  • If you can't find me you'll give me a message.
  • You should not lie if someone questions you.
  • I am going to make a trip to United Kingdom.
  • Don’t lie if someone asks you serious question.
  • He is going on a tour of South Africa this week.
  • I couldn't believe she could bring me chocolate.
  • I offered him some mango when he arrived room.
  • offered him some mango when he arrived room.
  • We three friends dreamed of many things together.
  • Although she has hurt my feelings, I am sorry for her.
  • He didn't show me the ice cream until I requested it.
  • We spend a lot of time together and we want to do it forever.
  • Don’t just sit there lazily when you should take the first step.
  • She didn't show me the phone until I begged him to do so.
  • I was busy on the field when you were having fun at school.
  • We get up very early and prepare ourselves for the tour.
  • Even though we have not been able to fulfill all our dreams, we are still happy.
  • We've walked a long way together and we want to do it forever.

What Are Non-finite Verbs?

A non-finite verb is a verb that does not show tenses. In other words, looking at a non-finite verb, you cannot say that a sentence is past tense, present tense, or future tense. Therefore, a non-finite verb can never be the main verb in a sentence.

Examples of Non-finite Verb

  • We ate lots of roasted meat.
  • Sleeping late is not healthy at all.
  • We are now ready to play football.
  • I felt not it difficult to comprehend.
  • Jack saw a sleeping cat yesterday.
  • It's good to know that you can cook too.
  • I respect working people with disabilities.
  • The frightened man jumped over the wall.
  • Driving on this slippery road is dangerous.
  • Currently I have completed the given task.
  • Robin gave up smoking a few months ago.
  • Roman Singh saw a spider creating its trap.
  • It is dangerous to drive on this broken road.
  • I need a good night's sleep to calm my mind.
  • Being amused, I clapped loudly in the theater.
  • Running like crazy will not solve any problem.
  • flying bird is more cautious than a sitting bird.
  • Watson is the most wanted player on the team.
  • I drink boiled water because of its strange taste.
  • Marshall insisted on taking the train instead of the bus.
  • Walking is a habit that you need to develop from the beginning.

Exercise Finite And Non-finite Verb

The following sentences, state whether the verb given in the inverted commas is finite or non-finite.
  1. My little sister 'wants to be' an actor. (finite or non-finite.)
  2. He 'worked' hard 'to pass' the test. (finite or non-finite.)
  3. I 'could not solve' the problem. finite or non-finite. (finite or non-finite.)
  4. 'To err is' human. (finite or non-finite.)
  5. Your duty 'is to cross' the pond without 'getting' noticed. (finite or non-finite.)
  6. Doctors 'are caring' for the injured. (finite or non-finite.)
  7. She 'opened' the window. (finite or non-finite.)
  8. The pupils 'were asked to submit' their assignments by Monday. (finite or non-finite.)
  9. The teacher 'encourages' the students 'to work' hard. (finite or non-finite.)
  10. The cat 'wagged' its tail 'to show' its happiness. (finite or non-finite.)

  1. My little sister wants to be an actor. (wants – finite, to be – non-finite)
  2. He worked hard to pass the test. (worked – finite, to pass – non-finite)
  3. I could not solve the problem. (couldn’t solve – finite)
  4. To err is human. (to err – non-finite; is – finite)
  5. Your duty is to cross the pond without getting noticed. (is – finite, to cross – non-finite; getting – non-finite)
  6. Doctors are 'caring' for the injured. (are attending – finite)
  7. She opened the window. (opened – finite)
  8. The pupils were asked to submit their assignments by Monday. (were asked – finite, to submit – non-finite)
  9. The teacher encourages the students to work hard. (encourages – finite,to work – non-finite)
  10. The cat wagged its tail to show its happiness. (wagged– finite, to show – non-finite)

Short A Video Summary

For a better understanding, watch this video on chapters or What Are Finite And Non-finite Verb With Examples? Then it will help to understand the matter more easily Finite And Non-finite Verb.

Get Your Finite And None-Finite Verbs to Work for You

Choosing the right finite and none-finite verb can set the whole tone of your sentence. Whether you’re working on finite and non-finite verbs, it’s important to know how to conjugate them correctly. Review these (rules for conjugating verbs) based on subject-verb agreement, verb tense and attitude, and sentence mood.

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