
Saturday, November 6, 2021

What Are Objective Personal Pronouns? (with Examples)

What Are Objective Personal Pronouns?

An objective personal pronoun is a type of personal pronoun that is commonly used as a grammatical object, either as the direct or indirect objective of a verb or as the objective of a prepositional term. These personal pronouns are always used in the objective, whether they are indirect personal pronouns or direct personal pronouns.

The objective (or accusative) case pronouns are me, you (singular), him/ her/ it, us, you (plural), them and whom. (Notice that form of you and it doesn't change.) The objective personal pronoun case is used when something is being done to (or given to, etc.) someone.

A pronoun is an object in a sentence when the objective personal pronoun is used. There are three (3) types of object:

What are Direct Objective Personal Pronouns? 

A direct objective personal pronouns receives the verb. The subject performs the active verb with the objective personal pronoun directly.

For example:
1. Sam filled the tea cup.
Subject: Sam
Transitive verb: filled
Direct object: the tea cup (noun)

2. Sam filled it.
Subject: Sam
Transitive verb: filled
Direct object: it (pronoun)

3. Sami loves her.
Subject: Sami
Transitive verb: loves
Direct objective: her (personal pronoun in objective case)

What are Indirect Objective Personal Pronouns? 

An indirect objective personal pronouns is the noun that receives the direct objective personal pronouns. The subject does the transitive verb to the direct objective personal pronouns and the indirect object receives the direct objective personal pronoun.

For example:
1. He told Sara a lie.
Subject: He
Transitive verb: told
Direct object: a lie
Indirect object: Sara (noun)

2. Shanna sent me a message.
Subject: Shanna
Transitive verb: sent
Direct object: a message
Indirect object: me (personal pronoun in objective)

What is The Objective Personal Pronouns of The Preposition? 

The objective personal pronoun of a preposition is a noun or pronoun that combines with a preposition to form a preposition sentence. The prepositional phrase always begins with a preposition and ends with a noun (the objective personal pronouns of the preposition).

1. Lisa went with Raw.
Subject: Lisa
Verb: went
Preposition: with
Object of preposition: Raw (noun)

2. John lives by me.
Subject: John
Verb: lives
Preposition: by
Object of preposition: me (personal pronoun in objective)

What is an Example of A Objective Personal Pronoun?

  • The objective personal pronouns are, “me, you, him, her, it, us, them, and whom.” Objective personal pronouns are used when a pronoun is an object in sentence. In the following examples the subject is bold, the verb is italicized, and the objective personal pronoun is bold.
  • Bobi took her to work Sunday.
  • Will you please tell them to come in room?
  • She told you a lie about where he was Monday.
  • Our grandparents gave us chocolate and our teeth are just fine.
  •  Jerry wants to talk to you about your homework.
  • The plate breaks when John throws it on the floor.
  • Be careful; she lied to us before and he may do it again.
  • Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite them?
  • The spider bit me on my ankle.
  • I heard that Jerry was cut from the team just because Tyler doesnr’t choose him.
  • The bread is stale. You can feed it to the birds.
  • The hindi movie was hilarious! We really liked it.


Congratulations on completing this guide exploring objective personal pronouns, what is a objective pronouns is useful. Hopefully the explanations and examples of objective pronouns were useful in understanding how objective pronouns work.

Remember to use correct grammar and cite all your sources; our essay grammar checker can help with that. Happy writing!

Watch A Video Summary of Usage

For a better understanding, watch this video on chapters or What Are Objective Personal Pronouns? Then it will help to understand the matter more easily.

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